
Universal Gripper Syringe Powered

Universal Gripper – Syringe Powered

The “universal gripper” developed by researchers from Cornell University, the University of Chicago, and iRobot inspired me to create my own version. The YouTube video is quite impressive. The gripper can form around very asymmetrical and smooth shapes and still pick up the object. I gathered the materials below and decided to create a gripper […]

Arduino Project Board

Arduino Project Board

The Arduino Project Board is basically a board to transer your ATMEGA168/328 to when you have completed your project and no longer need to use the Arduino as a development board. Simply transfer the programmed chip from the Arduino board to the Arduino project board and you are in business. Now your Arduino is no […]

Turn your Arduino Uno into an USB HID Mididevice

Turn your Arduino Uno into an USB-HID-Mididevice

While building an Arduino Uno based Midi-Controller for Ableton Live, I came across the HIDUINO project ( ). It allows you to turn your Arduino Uno (or any other device using an AVR-USB chipset like the 8u2) into a driverless HID/Midi device. It’s much more comfortable than using a software based serial to midi […]

Arduino Air Quality Sensor

Arduino Air Quality Sensor

Summary The issue of poor air quality is a significant concern that impacts the well-being of numerous communities, particularly individuals with health conditions. The ability to measure air quality accurately is of utmost importance. In this module, you will have the opportunity to construct a basic air quality sensor using affordable and easily accessible components. […]

Rave Rover Mobile Dance Stage

Rave Rover – Mobile Dance Stage

Rave Rover was designed and built to be a portable dance platform for parties, raves, and any other trouble we can get into! I will go into as much detail as I can explaining the entire build process, and where to find parts and other accessories. Be sure to check out more information, including party […]

How to hack EEG toys with arduino

How to hack EEG toys with arduino

i had heard a few years back about the ability of hooking up toy EEGs so you can interface them with your computer. I was reminded of this for a project i wanted to do for a class (instructable coming soon ;-)), and i also found a “Star Wars force trainer” on amazon for 30 […]

Building a Portal Turret 1

Building a Portal Turret with motion controlled audio and lighting

In this Instructable I’m going to show you how I went about building my very own life size talking Portal Turret from start to finish. This is a fairly in depth project that will cover every stage of construction and all the techniques I used along the way. Hopefully there will be a lot of […]

Tilt Motion System for Control Education

Pan/Tilt Motion System for Control Education

Pan/Tilt Motion System for Control Education Ricardo G. Sanfelice, University of Arizona Project supported by Mathworks Website developed by Colin Lasharr, University of Arizona   Contents Introduction Instructions for Building the System Installation Instructions The Arduino Board Simulink Initial Parameter Identification System Identification for Zenith Component System Identification for Azimuth Component Running An Experiment Tracking […]

Hack the Nabaztag using Arduino

Hack the Nabaztag using Arduino

This is a Nabaztag – Armenian, apparently, for “hare”. It’s an adorable bunny rabbit packed with sensors and communication devices…. and it’s completely unusable. There’s people who wrote some interesting software to hack it, and I applaud them: however, I could never actually get my Karotz (Nabaztag’s third incarnation) through the arduous initialization. So, to […]

DIY Parking Sensor

DIY Parking Sonsor using Arduino

The last time I was home visiting my parents I noticed bumper imprints caused by my mother suburban on the stairs leading up from the garage. Their garage it turns out is just barely long enough to fit their gigantic vehicles. So I decided it would be nice to have some visual cue for parking. […]

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