
ArduiNIX Shield

ArduiNIX Shield

ArduiNIX Shield description: The ArduiNIX shield is a user programmable platform for driving multiplexed Nixie tube or other high voltage displays. CC 2.5 Attrib-Share Alike ArduiNIX Shield specification:   ArduiNIX Shield pinout:   For more detail: ArduiNIX Shield

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Arduino surveillance bot

Reginald: a UDP surveillance bot; control via the Internet using Arduino

Reginald started from the simple, yet bold idea to control a bot from anywhere in the world with a live video feed. What I wasn’t expecting was for Reginald to develop into an involved, feature rich project. With my work and money, I was able to complete a project exactly to my satisfaction and more.

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Arduino Robot Bonanza by Gordon McComb

Arduino Robot Bonanza by Gordon McComb E-Book

Introduction Bestselling robotics author shows how to build fun, affordable robots with Arduino Guides readers through the construction of seven robots that roll, walk, talk, crawl, slither’and even sling insults All projects are built using wildly popular Arduino microcontroller platform Features illustrated, step-by-step instructions and assembly plans Includes tips for adding options, alternatives, and customizations

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