
Augmenting Plant Behavior Through Robotics using Arduino

Augmenting Plant Behavior Through Robotics using Arduino

The PhytoBot is a semi-intelligent plant which responds to external stimulus (light intensity and light location) and responds to it as a phototropic plant would. Essentially it is designed as a piece of interactive artwork for operation over a long period of time. The motivation driving this was triggered by the lack of understanding &

Augmenting Plant Behavior Through Robotics using Arduino Continue Reading

Arduino Wex Robot

Wex, the One Eyed Watcher using an Arduino

Wex detects your location with ultrasonic sensors then follows you with his one flashing eye.  His red “heartbeat” can be seen through his mouth. Step 1: Parts needed include: Arduino Two ping ultrasonic sensors Futaba s3103 servo Radio Shack 276-0016 7 color led Radio Shack  276-036 flashing red led 9 volt battery 480 ohm resistor

Wex, the One Eyed Watcher using an Arduino Continue Reading

Arduino Powered Robot

NESBot: Arduino Powered Robot beating Super Mario Bros for the NES

This guide will take you through the steps to build an NES playing robot You will need: An Arduino Duemilanove (other boards will probably work, but you will have to adjust the steps for your device) Working NES Console Super Mario Bros. (Note: this must be only the single game, not the two- or three-in-one

NESBot: Arduino Powered Robot beating Super Mario Bros for the NES Continue Reading

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