
Wireless communication between two Arduinos using inexpensive RF modules

Wireless communication between two Arduinos using inexpensive RF modules

This article explores an easy wireless communication setup between two Arduinos using low-cost ASK RF transmitter and receiver modules that are readily available in the market. They are found in different shapes, but functionally they are all same. Both Tx and Rx modules contain a single data line for input and output and support a

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Photoplethysmography – IR Heart Rate Monitor

Photoplethysmography – IR Heart Rate Monitor

This Instructable documents how to create a simple heart rate monitor using Photoplethysmography with an IR phototransistor via transmissive absorption using the Arduino to process the pulsatile data and display live results via a TFT screen. To use the source code and create the necessary circuitry you will need a reasonable grasp of electronics, knowledge

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