
Measuring Refrigerant Gases Sound Speed Using Arduino and App Inventor 2

Measuring Refrigerant Gases Sound Speed Using Arduino and App Inventor 2

The purpose of this Instructable is to build a portable device that can measure the speed of sound in refrigerant gases and use this data to identify them. The speed of sound in an ideal gas is related to two characteristics of the gaseous substance, its molecular mass (kg/mol) and its adiabatic constant (heat capacity ratio), or

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Measuring the Boiling Point of Liquefied Gases Using Arduino and PhyPhox

Measuring the Boiling Point of Liquefied Gases Using Arduino and PhyPhox

A substance that is in a liquid state is constantly evaporating or passing into the gaseous state (depending on the intermolecular forces and temperature). The pressure exerted by the gaseous molecules produced in this process is known as vapor pressure. The vapor pressure depends on the temperature in such a way that at higher temperature

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Measuring a water tank level v2

Arduino Project 11 (2D/3D pictures) – Measuring a water tank level v2 (HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Rangefinder/Arduino Uno/1.0)

1. Introduction: I made a water level sensor a little while a go to measure the water level in my underground rainwater harvesting tank. Thanks to the Jubilee I found time to finally setup the first part of my Arduino/Xbee wireless sensor network and the first sensor node was also meant to read from this

Arduino Project 11 (2D/3D pictures) – Measuring a water tank level v2 (HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Rangefinder/Arduino Uno/1.0) Read More »

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