
Weather Portal

Weather Portal

There have recently been a series of web query projects that use the miraculously tiny and affordable ESP8266 micro controllers. Most have involved the output going to a tiny screen with small graphics. The local YMCA in Anchorage just completed a beautiful remodel but lacked funds for decorative elements. I wanted to build them something […]

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Arduino LED Night Lights With Switch to Turn on and Off

Arduino LED Night Lights With Switch to Turn on and Off

The design was inspired by a product that is also presented on Instructable called “Arduino Basics with Night Light” (…). Originally, the device is only allowed to change the LED lights by pushing down a button; after adding the codes and circuits (added: a speaker to notify the user for using recommended relatively peaceful color-blue/a

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Green Lights

Green Lights

Green Lights is a project that was created to teach students about physical computing. This includes Inputs and Outputs, Electricity, programming with Arduino, and a little bit about traffic control systems. The intersection will be setup at the front of the classroom and students will be split up into teams. Teams will be given note

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