
How to Input Text Into Arduino Project Using OLED Display and 5 Key Keyboard Module or Potentiometer

How to Input Text Into Arduino Project Using OLED Display and 5 Key Keyboard Module or Potentiometer

Every now and then you might be interested to input text to your arduino project. You can do it using Serial input but this would require Arduino to be always connected to a computer. In this tutorial I would show you how to implement text input using the small OLED display and 5 key keyboard

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How to Make a Basic Ultrasensor Keyboard Prototype With Arduino

How to Make a Basic Ultrasensor Keyboard Prototype With Arduino

For this Instructable, I have made a primitive musical soundboard using an ultra sensor as a keyboard. Here I will show you the basic steps on how to create such a device yourself. Later on, in December, I will demonstrate to you how to make a more complex or soldered version of this soundboard with

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