
Temperature Controlled Fan

Arduino Temperature Control – Adjust Fan Speed based on Temperature

In this Arduino based project, we are going to control DC fan speed according to the room temperature and show these parameter changes on a 16×2 LCD display. It is accomplished by the data communications between Arduino, LCD, DHT11 sensor Module and DC fan that is controlled by using PWM. PWM is a technique by

Arduino Temperature Control – Adjust Fan Speed based on Temperature Continue Reading

Arduino ADC Circuit

Accelerometer Based Hand Gesture Controlled Robot using Arduino

Robots are playing an important role in automation across all the sectors like construction, military, medical, manufacturing, etc. After making some basic robots like line follower robot, computer controlled robot, etc, we have developed this accelerometer based gesture controlled robot by using arduino uno. In this project we have used hand motion to drive the robot. For

Accelerometer Based Hand Gesture Controlled Robot using Arduino Continue Reading

Arduino Humidity Measuremen

Humidity and Temperature Measurement using Arduino

Humidity and temperature are common parameters to measure environmental conditions. In this Arduino based project we are going to measure ambient temperature and humidity and display it on a 16×2 LCD screen. A combined te mperature and himidity sensor DHT11 is used with Arduino uno to develop this Celsius scale thermometer and percentage scale humidity

Humidity and Temperature Measurement using Arduino Continue Reading

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