PocketScreen tiny Arduino multitool and development board

Arduino enthusiasts searching for a tiny development board and Arduino compatible multitool, may be interested in the PocketScreen developed by the development team at Zepsch based in Ludwigsburg, Germany. Designed to provide a combination of Microcontroller, colour OLED, SD card reader, three buttons, RGB LED and charger, as well as the possibility to add a wireless module to the system, PocketScreen is now available to back via Kickstarter with earlybird pledges available from just €29 or roughly £25.

Watch the demonstration video below to learn more about the PocketScreen Arduino development board and its features, Which measures just 22 mm x 25 mm with a thickness of just 5 mm without a battery and just 12 mm with. If all goes well and the Kickstarter campaign is successful worldwide shipping is expected to start sometime around August 2019.

“The PocketScreen combines all important modules to develop great Arduino projects! The PocketScreen is the smallest Arduino compatible multitool, whose board is just as big as a coin which includes a Microcontroller, full color OLED screen, Micro SD Card reader, 3 Hotkey Buttons, a status RGB LED and a Charing Module! (And possibly a WIFI module – See “Stretch goals”-section). Upload your own codes or load sketches or images from a Micro SD card.”

The tiny Arduino development board is powered by the ATSAMD21G18A, the same microcontroller used in the PocketStar and Arduino Zero. Offering enough power to display 3D graphics and videos on the screen at over 30fps. For full specifications and a complete list of all available pledge options, stretch goals and possible applications jump over to the Kickstarter project page by following the link below. “The breadboard compatible breakout pins gives you the opportunity to extend your project with additional modules and functions. “

Source: PocketScreen tiny Arduino multitool and development board

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Ibrar Ayyub

I am an experienced technical writer holding a Master's degree in computer science from BZU Multan, Pakistan University. With a background spanning various industries, particularly in home automation and engineering, I have honed my skills in crafting clear and concise content. Proficient in leveraging infographics and diagrams, I strive to simplify complex concepts for readers. My strength lies in thorough research and presenting information in a structured and logical format.

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