
RFID door lock 300x206 1

Build An RFID Door Lock Using Arduino

I wanted to make an easy and secure way to enter my garage. RFID was the best way to unlock my door, even with my hands full I can unlock the door and push it open! I built a simple circuit with a basic ATMega 168 Arduino chip and a ID-20 RFID reader to control […]

Arduino Wireless Altoids Display

Wireless Altoids Display using an Arduino

This Instructable will show you how to modify an Altoids tin for a wireless 2×16 character display. Using an Altoids tin was inspired by the need to have a small yet protective enclosure for a pair of Xbee modules recently bought from Sparkfun. I purchased the Xbee Pro modules with external antenna for the extended range […]

Sun tracking Arduino

Fun Sun-tracking Arduino

The Just-For-Fun Sun-tracker              using the Arduino and two servos. This device, along the lines of the most useless toy, is not so much for function as it is for fun. But as with many things, you can’t spell function without fun! This could easily be modified to rotate solar […]

Arduino Time Tester

Reaction Time Tester using an Arduino

A month ago I knew nothing about Arduino and now… first project! Looking back, this project combines allmost all of the tutorials that I have read in this short period: blinking LED, push button, piezo and LCD display. A useful project for every beginner! I have made this device for some of my friends who […]

Arduino Enigma Machine

Kid’s Game to Arduino Enigma Machine

The technology behind Enigma machines and the work done to crack them has influenced cryptography, cryptanalysis, and computer science in general.  If you’re unfamiliar with Enigma machines, it’s a device that was developed near the end of World War I, then used extensively by the Nazi regime in World War II, to encrypt messages.  The […]

DIY Arduino 1

DIY Arduino or The DIY-Duino

THIS ENTIRE TUTORIAL IS ALSO AVAILABLE ON MY WEBSITE AT To quote the Arduino website: “Arduino is an open-source electronics prototyping platform based on flexible, easy-to-use hardware and software. It’s intended for artists, designers, hobbyists, and anyone interested in creating interactive objects or environments.” I got one a while ago and life has never […]

Arduino Steering Wheel

Steering Wheel Drive R/C Car with Arduino

IP Control Car was launched in 2001. I make the similar function car utilizing commercialized products. The concept of Car No.02 is to utilize commercialized products, and I am an amateur in electrical. So, do not blame me that the system is not sophisticated, i.e. servo & speed controller control system and webcam system are […]

Make A Digital Clock From Scratch using arduino1

Make A Digital Clock From Scratch using arduino

In some point in the life of every electronics hobbyist the need to make a clock is borned, in my case it was about a month after I soldered my first part on a board, but back then I didn’t have the right tools, parts and knowledge to do such a thing. But after about 2 […]

Arduino Processing Audio Spectrum Analyzer

Arduino Processing Audio Spectrum Analyzer

In this Instructable I am going to show how to make a program in Processing that analyzes sound on your computer and sends data to an Arduino that controls an LED matrix to show the spectrum analysis. I will be explaining where to get materials, explaining the coding and wiring needed and providing example programs […]

Arduino Solar Tracker

Arduino Solar Tracker

What is does: It searches for the brightest light source like the sun. Step 1: How it works How it works: I’d made a sensor of 4 LDRs with sheets between them The withe stips are the LDRs   When the stick on top is righted to the sun or the brightest point the four […]

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