
Arduino Traffic Lights

Traffic Lights Beginner Arduino Project

This is a beginners project for the Arduino. I am using the Arduino Uno but should work with little or no modification on other arduino models. Setting up the hardware is very easy. This project is more of a training tool for learning how to program a timer list while listening for a button press. Parts […]

Arduino + Temperature + Humidity

Arduino + Temperature + Humidity

A simple temperature sensor using one LM35 Precision Temperature Sensor , Humidity Sensor and Arduino, so you can hookup on your future projects. The circuit will send serial information about the temperature and humidity so you can use on your computer. I have taken data from my compost. The project is related to an existing […]

Arduino marble maze simulator circuit 1

Marble Disorder – a marble maze simulator with tilt switches using Arduino

Marble Disorder is a borderline case of Marble Madness 🙂 It simulates a marble maze by sensing the box’s orientation with 2 tilt switches. Stop the press: there’s a new and more intuitive version that doesn’t require the spin knob (See video). I keep documenting the original version below for historical purposes, but don’t watch this – […]

Alarm for Arduino

Turing Alarm for Arduino

NOTE: This Instructable is currently incomplete. I will finish it before September 19.  I started this project after seeing Nick Johnson’s Turing Alarm clock. I found that the PIC chip he used was a little too advanced for me, so I decided to use the Arduino microcontroller. The original project by Nick Johnson can be […]

Arduino Electronic Dice

Arduino Electronic Dice using random numbers

This instructable will show you how to make an electronic dice with minimal experience using 7 LEDs, resistors, jumper wires, and of course the arduino (or arduino clone). I wrote this instructable for anyone to easily follow along and learn more about the arduino. Questions are welcome and will be answered as soon as possible. […]

Arduino LED Hat Display

LED Hat Display with Pong using an Arduino

A while ago, as my first microcontroller project, I made a Pong game on a 5×7 LED display, but then nothing became of it. Recently I was given a hard hat as part of a uniform (for an engineering competition) and told to customize it, and remembered pong. In this instructable I will show you […]

Arduino Temperature Control

Temperature Control For Kitchen Appliances using Arduino

In this Instructable, I will step through controlling the temperature of most kitchen appliances. As an example, I will use an old Westbend Poppery popcorn maker (aka. coffee roaster), but these same techniques will be applicable to most hot plates, coffee makers, and waffle irons. This instructable puts you at risk of electrocuting or burning […]

Arduino Binary Alarm Clock

Arduino Binary Alarm Clock

This Instructable will show you how to build an binary alarm clock, with a touch sensor snooze button. This is my first instructable and my first real arduino project, I hope you like it! I bought an arduino a while back and I think it’s really nice, but I haven’t really done anything useful with […]

RFID door lock 300x206 1

Build An RFID Door Lock Using Arduino

I wanted to make an easy and secure way to enter my garage. RFID was the best way to unlock my door, even with my hands full I can unlock the door and push it open! I built a simple circuit with a basic ATMega 168 Arduino chip and a ID-20 RFID reader to control […]

Arduino Wireless Altoids Display

Wireless Altoids Display using an Arduino

This Instructable will show you how to modify an Altoids tin for a wireless 2×16 character display. Using an Altoids tin was inspired by the need to have a small yet protective enclosure for a pair of Xbee modules recently bought from Sparkfun. I purchased the Xbee Pro modules with external antenna for the extended range […]

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