
Arduino Tears of Rainbow

Tears of Rainbow using an Arduino

It’s time to release new updates for my first (ever) project with Arduino, “Color Light Music”.  From artistic perspective, VU BarGraph style (IMHO) is the best one for spectral dynamic representation, and not much could be improved on this side. But this time, it cross my mind an another idea “Tears of Rainbow”. This blog about […]

Arduino Joystick controlled Camera

Joystick controlled Camera using Arduino

Hi, First of all, my English is not perfect =) I’ve seen many projects with Arduino that describes how to control 2 servo’s with a joystick or use a lcd screen. All of the projects that i have seen are all seperate things. So i decided to make a short Instructable of these things combined. […]

A Glove for the Blind to Feel Shapes and Navigate Obstacles

HandSight: A Glove for the Blind to Feel Shapes and Navigate Obstacles

HandSight is a prototype glove to aid the blind. It can sense the lightness or darkness of a surface with tactile feedback from a vibration motor for each individual finger. It can also sense distance from physical objects or obstructions and indicate direction and distance with the same vibration feedback. It supports additional modes, and […]

Arduino IR Musical Stairs

Arduino IR Musical Stairs

This is a small scaled musical stairs! It was a project that had a deadline; had only two days to build it. So, it is a very small scaled project, but still serves its purpose! IR Sensor (receiver) that I used is TSOP38238 from Adafruit, and the IR LEDs are also from Adafruit. The little […]

Arduino Gyro Camera

Gyro Camera for Motorcycle using Arduino

As seen in MotoGP Race, the rider is seen riding through corners while laying aside his bike to the left and right. But there is an interesting moment when the motor looks to collapse sideward, the front views remain horizontally. How could that be? Such onboard camera applies GYRO system, where the camera will be […]

Building a device that clips to your belt and tracks how much time you spend inside and outside

Building a device that clips to your belt

Our goal in this step-by-step instructable is to build a device you can clip to your belt and wear throughout the day.  This device will log data that, when downloaded to a back-end server system, will provide a report showing the location history of your day along with the breakdown of how much time you […]

Hidden Wall Outlet Safe Arduino Lock using arduino

Hidden Wall Outlet Safe (w/Arduino Lock) using arduino

Stash your valuables where no one will ever suspect. Wall outlets are perfect for stashing valuables since you have tons of them at home. You must be crazy enough to search every household outlet for a secret stash. Probably, no one would even think of searching outlets! :)) BTW, it requires a digital key, such […]

Power Arduino with a cellphone

Power Arduino with a cellphone

Old cellphones are easy to acquire and they have built in lithium charging circuitry. What a wonderful base for a power supply for small mobile things. I hooked up a cellphone to the arduino with the ability to charge the cellphone when you plug the arduino into the usb port. Please note that this was […]

Intermediate Arduino Inputs and Outputs using arduino

Intermediate Arduino: Inputs and Outputs using arduino

Continuing from my Intro to Arduino post, this Instructable will go over some slightly more advanced topics with Arduino, specifically relating to controlling and managing many inputs and outputs. The next class covers how to connect the Arduino’s inputs and outputs to MIDI. Parts List: (1x) Arduino Uno Amazon or you can pick one up […]

Sequenced and Sound Activated with Remote Control

EL Wire Hat: Sequenced and Sound Activated with Remote Control

Welcome to the Instructable guide of my EL Wire hat with some fun features. The concept is an EL Wired hat with 8 sequenced EL wires controlled by a wired remote. Multiple speed controllable sequence modes are pre-programmed into an Arduino UNO, including a sound activation feature. Features: 7 sequence modes (speed controlled) 1 sound […]

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