
Arduino automatic blind hooked up

Automatic blind hooked up to existing projector screen using Arduino

Hello my name is Chipsy, I’m French, reading instructables since at least 2 years, it is the first entry i make on this website. Why i made this project : I have a small homecinema system in my living room, with a projector and a commercial motorized projector screen. I have a big mirror on […]



About a year ago, we drunk beer in The-MenZ Lab. When Zagan said “I want PCDJ controller, So next project is make controller!”. The project began at this time. ***MenZ-DECK featured by Maker Faire UK Blog.*** (Continue with broken English) Components for make controller: Arduino Uno — 1qty MUX Shield — 1qty ATX power supply […]

Arduino Watch

Arduino Watch Build Instructions

Update: New version out that works with Arduino 1.0 and higher! The Arduino Watch provides augmented sensing of temperature and range, 16-bit color drawing program, Breakout game, and also tells the time in your choice of digital, binary, or analog.  Additional sensors, devices, and programs are easy to add as any standard Arduino. The source […]

GSM Remote Control – GSM Module1

GSM Remote Control – GSM Module

This GSM Mobile is used for our Remote Control (for example Gate Control, Temperature Control….). We use the word ‘module’ because, unlike what we did in our remote control projects, this time around the mobile phone is not mounted on a printed board, but rather on a small auxiliary board which is then inserted in a […]

Arduino rotary phone dial

Interface a rotary phone dial to an Arduino

An old rotary phone can be used for a number of purposes in your Arduino projects – use it as a novel input device, or use the Arduino to interface a rotary phone to your computer. This is a very basic guide describing how to interface the dial to an Arduino, and get the number […]

Arduino Can Crusher

Arduino Controlled Can Crusher With LCD Readout

I have always wanted to do an instructable, but I never had a somewhat original idea that hasn’t been done a million times, or something that had no means of building. I have some friends who recycle aluminum for money and after seeing the large bags of an unknown amount and weight of uncrushed cans, I decided to make a machine […]

Computers are Dumb

Computers are Dumb

Objective: Overcome your fear of computers! If you can count to two, then you can master the basics of computers. If you think computers are smarter than you, you are wrong and I will prove it. For normal people, just follow the LOG: comments. Computers are dumb:  comments tell you the computer’s point of view. […]

Arduino Indicator

Bicycle North Indicator using Arduino

Magnetoception is the ability of some animals to detect magnetic fields as a means of orienting themselves.  Although humans do not seem to posses the same biological mechanisms that allow other animals to sense magnetic fields, there are still many ways that we can improve our sense of spatial orientation. This project is an attachment to […]

SPI interface to the FlySky

SPI interface to the FlySky/Turnigy 9x

Interfacing a RC radio to a microcontroller is a bit of a pain, especially if you want a lot of channels, because you have to time each channel’s output individually. An AVR only has one 16 bit timer with two compare channels, so either you can only use two channels at full resolution or you […]

Arduino led display

Arduino powered 7seg led display with Port Manipulation

Time for something a little more advanced. Direct Port Manipulation. Normally when using Arduino software, the actual logic behind changing the values in pins is abstracted away with digitalRead and digitalWrite. Now, for most people that’s just fine. But it has some limitations. For one, it is a little slower than might be practical for […]

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