MKR1000 Servo Control Panel

A servo controller using the built-in WiFi abilities of the Arduino MKR1k. The panel consists of a MKR1k web listener and Javascript/ajax.

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Arduino MKR1000
Arduino MKR1000
Servos (Tower Pro MG996R)
Breadboard (generic)
Breadboard (generic)

Software apps and online services

Arduino IDE
Arduino IDE


If so just click ‘OK’.

Once the web server code is loaded into the IDE, find the following lines:

// Define your Wifi info here

 Here you will set the SSID (your Wifi router name) and the password use to log on to it. This would be the same you use for your phone, tablet or PC. After that change is made, save the file and send it to your MKR1k by clicking the ‘upload’ button on the IDE.

The Servo Control Panel Interface

This is the screen for the control panel itself. It consists five boxes of different colors or shades (CSS styles).  *For this article we will only use and focus on the Device IP fields and buttons (darker blue area) and the Grey box with the actual servo controls and connection buttons.

* — To keep the code limited to the basics, the other buttons are only there for future use and ideas.

To start controlling a servo connected to a MKR1k that is configured with the servo web responder, you must first give the IP address of the controller. To find this, you will need to open up a serial monitor or terminal with the controller connected via USB. You could optionally look at your WiFi router’s admin pages to find the IP as well.

Navigate to the folder with the file ‘Mkr1000servolocal.html’ is it and double click it to run. Once it loads into the browser, copy this IP (Just the ip – i.e. to the ‘Device IP:’ field of the control panel. Connect a servo the the arduino and select the pin from the drop-down you have it connected to and click the ‘Connect’ button. If the control panel code was able to connect to the MKR1k web server, the ‘Connect’ will change to ‘Disconnect’. You can now use the sliders, or buttons to move the servo (The grey box). If it did not connect, open up the javascript console in the browser (Shift + Ctrl + I on Chrome), if there are any errors, correct them and try again. If you get a good connection to the controller, and do not want to type the IP each time, you can do the following… The IP can be saved by clicking the ‘Save IP’ button. Then the next time the control panel used it will load the saved IP automatically. You can remove the save IP with the ‘Delete IP’ button.

NOTE: You will need an HTML5 based browser such as Chrome to use the Servo Control panel.





   Mkr1000-Servo control web responder

   Goal in life:
      Control servos via http get requests.

   Written By - Scott Beasley 2016.

#include <SPI.h>
#include <WiFi101.h>
#include <Servo.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>

void ServoOpen (String pin);
void ServoClose (String command);
void ServoSet (String command);
void ServoRead (String command);
void ServoCtrlReset (void);
void sendReturnResp (WiFiClient client, String ret_data);
bool request_is (String request, String reqdata);

// Define your Wifi info here

#define BOARDNAME "mkr1000_01"

// Define to get extra info from the Serial port
#define DEBUG

// Globals
WiFiServer server (80);

// Allow for at least 8 servos.
struct userservos {
   Servo servo;
   int pin;
} userservos[8];
int servosinuse = 0;

String json_ret = "";

void setup (void)
   servosinuse = 0;
   int status = WL_IDLE_STATUS;
   int i = 0;
   Serial.begin (9600);
   while (!Serial) {if (i++ >= 1024) break;}

   // check for the presence of the shield:
   if (WiFi.status ( ) == WL_NO_SHIELD) {
      Serial.println ("WiFi shield not present");
      // don't continue:
      while (true);

   // Mark all servo slots as free on start.
   for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++) {
      userservos[i].pin = -1;

   // Connect to the WiFi network
   Serial.print ("\nConnecting to: ");
   Serial.println (SSID);

   while (status != WL_CONNECTED) {
      // Connect to WPA/WPA2 network. Change this line if using open or WEP network:
      status = WiFi.begin(SSID, PASSWD);

      // wait 10 seconds for connection:
      delay (10000);

   Serial.println ("\nWiFi connected");

   // Start the tcp listener
   server.begin ( );

   // Print the IP address
   IPAddress ip = WiFi.localIP ( );
   Serial.print ("Use this URL to connect: ");
   Serial.print ("http://");
   Serial.print (ip);
   Serial.println ("/");

void loop ( )
   bool endofline = false;
   json_ret = "";

   WiFiClient client = server.available ( );

   if (client) {
      #ifdef DEBUG
        Serial.println ("Client connected");
      String currentLine = "";
      while (client.connected ( )) {
         if (client.available ( )) {
            char c = ( );
            if (c == '\n') {
               endofline = true;
            } else if (c != '\r') {
               currentLine += c;

            if (endofline) {
               endofline = false;
               String parms = "";

               #ifdef DEBUG
                 Serial.println ("<" + currentLine + ">");

               // Copy the parms sent in the request.
               int ndx1 = currentLine.indexOf ('?');
               int ndx2 = currentLine.indexOf (' ', ndx1);

               #ifdef DEBUG
                 Serial.println ("<" + String (ndx1) + ">");
                 Serial.println ("<" + String (ndx2) + ">");

               if (ndx1 >= 0) {
                  parms = currentLine.substring (ndx1 + 1, ndx2);

               #ifdef DEBUG
                 if (parms.length ( ) > 0)
                    Serial.println ("<" + parms + ">");

               if (request_is (currentLine, "/servoOpen")){
                  ServoOpen (parms);
               } else if (request_is (currentLine, "/servoClose")) {
                  ServoClose (parms);
               } else if (request_is (currentLine, "/servoSet")) {
                  ServoSet (parms);
               } else if (request_is (currentLine, "/servoRead")) {
                  ServoRead (parms);
               } else if (request_is (currentLine, "/servoCtrlReset")) {
                  ServoCtrlReset ( );
                  json_ret = "{\n\t\"return_code\": 0\n}";
               } else {

               #ifdef DEBUG
                 Serial.println ("<=" + json_ret + "=>");

               sendReturnResp (client, json_ret);
               currentLine = "";

      // Close the connection when done
      client.stop ( );
      #ifdef DEBUG
         Serial.println ("Client disconnected normally");

bool request_is (String request, String reqdata)
   return (request.indexOf (reqdata) != -1 ? 1 : 0);

void sendReturnResp (WiFiClient client, String ret_data)
   String return_hdr = "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n"
                       "Content-Type: application/json\r\n"
                       "Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *\r\n"
                       "Connection: close\r\n"
                       "Content-Length: " + String (ret_data.length ( )) +
                       "\r\n\r\n" + ret_data +"\r\n";
   client.print (return_hdr);

void ServoOpen (String pin)
	int i, return_code = 0;

	//convert ascii to integer
	int pinNumber = pin.charAt (0) - '0';
	//Sanity check to see if the pin numbers are within limits
	if (pinNumber < 0 || pinNumber > 9) return_code = -1;

  if (servosinuse > 8) {
	   return_code = -3; // All servos inuse.

	for (i = 0; i < 9; i++) {
		if (userservos[i].pin == -1) {
			// Zap any old attachment.
			userservos[i].servo.detach ( );

			userservos[i].pin = pinNumber;
			userservos[i].servo.attach (pinNumber);

  // Return the servo array element index used.
  json_ret = "{\n\t\"data_value\": \"" + String (i) +
             "\",\n\t\"return_code\": " + return_code + "\n}";

void ServoClose (String command)
    int return_code = 0;

    //convert ascii to integer
    int indexNumber = command.charAt(0) - '0';
    //Sanity check to see if the element numbers are within limits
    if (indexNumber < 0 || indexNumber > 9) return_code = -1;

    userservos[indexNumber].pin = -1;
    userservos[indexNumber].servo.detach ( );

    json_ret = "{\n\t\"return_code\": " + String (return_code) + "\n}";

void ServoSet (String command)
    int ret = -1;
    //convert ascii to integer
    int indexNumber = command.charAt (0) - '0';
    //Sanity check to see if the pin numbers are within limits
    if (indexNumber< 0 || indexNumber > 8) {
       ret = -1;
    } else {
       String value = command.substring (2);
       ret = 0;
       userservos[indexNumber].servo.write (value.toInt ( ));

    json_ret = "{\n\t\"return_code\": " + String (ret) + "\n}";

void ServoRead (String command)
    int return_code = 0;
    int raw_val = 0;

    //convert ascii to integer
    int indexNumber = command.charAt (0) - '0';
    //Sanity check to see if the pin numbers are within limits
    if (indexNumber < 0 || indexNumber > 8) return_code = -1;

    raw_val = userservos[indexNumber] ( );
    json_ret = "{\n\t\"data_value\": \"" + String (raw_val) +
               "\",\n\t\"return_code\": " + String (return_code) + "\n}";

void ServoCtrlReset (void)
   servosinuse = 0;
   // Mark all servo slots as free and close any open.
   for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++) {
      if (userservos[i].pin != -1) {
         userservos[i].servo.write (90); // Try and stop if moving.
         userservos[i].servo.detach ( );

      userservos[i].pin = -1;
<!DOCTYPE html>
   Mkr1000-Servo control panel

   Goal in life:
     Control servos.

   Written By - Scott Beasley 2016.

   CSS Box layout generated at
   Public domain. Free to use or change. Enjoy :)
<title>Servo Control Panel</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../css/applook.css" />
<script type="text/javascript">
      var DEVICE_IP = '';
      var running_ani = false;
      function navigationCheck ( )
			 return "Are you sure you wish to leave the Servo control panel?";

		function showValue (id, newValue)
			 $('#range' + id).val (newValue);
			 if ($('#mode').val ( ) == "AUTO") {
				  setServoVal (id);

		function setIncVal (id)
			 var servo_val;

			 servo_val = $('#servo' + id).val ( );
			 if (servo_val > 179) {
			    servo_val = 179;

			 $('#range' + id).val (servo_val);
			 $('#servo' + id).val (servo_val);

		function setDecVal (id)
			 var servo_val;

			 servo_val = $('#servo' + id).val ( );
			 if (servo_val < 0) {
			    servo_val = 0;

			 $('#range' + id).val (servo_val);
			 $('#servo' + id).val (servo_val);

		function setMin (id)
			 $('#range' + id).val (0);
			 $('#servo' + id).val (0);

		function setMax (id)
			 $('#range' + id).val (179);
			 $('#servo' + id).val (179);

		function homeAll ( )
          var wait = 0;

          for (var i = 1; i < 9; i++) {
             if ($('#conn_state' + i).val ( ) == "1") {
                $(window).delay(wait).queue (function ( ) {
                    homeServo (i, '90');
                    wait = 100;

		function seeIfOpen (pin)
          var ret = 0

          for (var i = 1; i < 8; i++) {
             if ($('#conn_state' + i).val ( ) == "1") {
                if (pin == $('#gpio' + i).val ( )) {
                   alert ("Pin already in use. Please close to reuse.");
                   ret = 1;

          return ret;

		function AniLoad ( )
			 var file;

			 file = $('#files').val ( );
			 if (file == "") {
				  alert ("Select file name to load");
					$('#files').focus ( );

          $('#files').append ('<option value="' + file + '" selected="selected"> '
			                     + file + ' </option>');

		function AniNew ( )
			 var file;

			 file = $('#newfile').val ( );
			 if (file == "") {
				  alert ("Need file name to save to");
					$('#newfile').focus ( );

          $('#files').append ('<option value="' + file + '" selected="selected"> '
			                     + file + ' </option>');

		function AniSave ( )
			 var stow_line, stow_key;

  		    $('#frames option').each (function ( ) {
			    $(this).val ( );

		function AniRun ( )


 		function recordFrame ( )
			 var servo1_val, servo2_val, servo3_val, servo4_val;
          var frame_line;

			 servo1_val = $('#servo1').val ( );
			 servo2_val = $('#servo2').val ( );
			 servo3_val = $('#servo3').val ( );
			 servo4_val = $('#servo4').val ( );

          frame_line = servo1_val + ',' + servo2_val + ',' + servo3_val + ',' + servo4_val;
          $('#frames').append ('<option>' + frame_line + '</option>');

 		function sendFrame ( )
			 var servo1_val, servo2_val, servo3_val, servo4_val, speed;
          var frame_line;

			 servo1_val = $('#servo1').val ( );
			 servo2_val = $('#servo2').val ( );
			 servo3_val = $('#servo3').val ( );
			 servo4_val = $('#servo4').val ( );
			 speed = $('#speed').val ( );

          frame_line = speed + ',' + servo1_val + ',' + servo2_val + ',' +
			              servo3_val + ',' + servo4_val;

		function homeServo (id, val)
			 $('#range' + id).val (val);
			 $('#servo' + id).val (val);
          if ($('#mode').val ( ) == "AUTO") {
				  setServoVal (id);

		function connServo (servo)
			 var conn_state = $('#conn_state' + servo).val ( );
			 var pin = $('#gpio' + servo).val ( );
			 if (conn_state == "0") {
               if (seeIfOpen (pin) == 1) {

 				   var requestURL = "http://" + DEVICE_IP + "/servoOpen?" + pin;
					 $.get (requestURL, function (data) {
							 $('#servo_id' + servo).val (data.data_value);
							 $('#range' + servo).prop("disabled", false);
							 $('#servo' + servo).prop("disabled", false);
							 $('#setmin_but' + servo).prop("disabled", false);
							 $('#inc_but' + servo).prop("disabled", false);
							 $('#dec_but' + servo).prop("disabled", false);
							 $('#setmin_but' + servo).prop("disabled", false);
							 $('#setmax_but' + servo).prop("disabled", false);
							 $('#set_val' + servo).prop("disabled", false);
							 $('#set_but' + servo).prop("disabled", false);
							 $('#home_but' + servo).prop("disabled", false);
							 $('#conn_state' + servo).val ("1");
							 $('#gpio' + servo).prop("disabled", true);
							 $('#conn_but' + servo).text ('Disconnect');
			 } else {
				 var servo_id = $('#servo_id' + servo).val ( );
				 var requestURL = "http://" + DEVICE_IP + "/servoClose?" + servo_id;

		       $.get (requestURL, function (data) {});

//             $(window).delay (100).queue (function ( ) {
   				 // Try and trun the servo off first.
                // After the servo turn off, send the close request.
     			    $('#range' + servo).val ('90');
   			    $('#servo' + servo).val ('90');
                setServoVal (servo);
   				 $('#servo_id' + servo).val ('-1');
   				 $('#range' + servo).prop("disabled", true);
   				 $('#servo' + servo).prop("disabled", true);
   				 $('#setmin_but' + servo).prop("disabled", true);
   				 $('#inc_but' + servo).prop("disabled", true);
   				 $('#dec_but' + servo).prop("disabled", true);
   				 $('#setmin_but' + servo).prop("disabled", true);
   				 $('#setmax_but' + servo).prop("disabled", true);
   				 $('#set_val' + servo).prop("disabled", true);
   				 $('#set_but' + servo).prop("disabled", true);
   				 $('#home_but' + servo).prop("disabled", true);
   				 $('#conn_state' + servo).val ("0");
   				 $('#gpio' + servo).prop("disabled", false);
   				 $('#conn_but' + servo).text ('Connect');
//			   });

		function setServoVal (servo)
			 var servo_hnd = $('#servo_id' + servo).val ( );
			 var servo_val = $('#range' + servo).val ( );
			 if (servo_val < 0) {
			    servo_val = 0;
			 } else if (servo_val > 179) {
             servo_val = 179;
			 $('#range' + servo).val (servo_val);
			 $('#servo' + servo).val (servo_val);
			 console.log ("Action = " + servo_hnd + " set val = " + servo_val);
		    var requestURL = "http://" + DEVICE_IP + "/servoSet?" + servo_hnd +
                           ',' + servo_val;
			 $.get (requestURL, function (data) {});

      function saveKeys ( )
			 localStorage.setItem ("SERVO_CTRL_IO_DEV_ID", $('#device').val ( ));

      function deleteKeys ( )
			 localStorage.removeItem ("SERVO_CTRL_IO_DEV_ID");

      function initIt ( )
			 for (var i = 1; i < 9; i++) {
			     $('#range' + i).prop("disabled", true);
			     $('#servo' + i).prop("disabled", true);
		 	  	  $('#setmin_but' + i).prop("disabled", true);
				  $('#inc_but' + i).prop("disabled", true);
				  $('#dec_but' + i).prop("disabled", true);
				  $('#setmin_but' + i).prop("disabled", true);
				  $('#setmax_but' + i).prop("disabled", true);
				  $('#set_val' + i).prop("disabled", true);
				  $('#set_but' + i).prop("disabled", true);
				  $('#home_but' + i).prop("disabled", true);

			 if (localStorage.getItem ("SERVO_CTRL_IO_DEV_ID") == null) {
 				  alert ("Please enter your Dev IP.");
				  $('#device').focus ( );
			 } else {
				  DEVICE_IP = localStorage.getItem ("SERVO_CTRL_IO_DEV_ID");
              $('#device').val (DEVICE_IP);

      function resetcontroller ( )
		    var requestURL = "http://" + DEVICE_IP + "/servoCtrlReset";
			 $.get (requestURL, function (data) {});
<body onload="initIt ( )" onbeforeunload="return navigationCheck ( )">
		  <script src=""
		          type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8">
        <div id="wrapper">
        <div id="headerwrap">
        <div id="header">
			        <td><p><span style="font-weight:bold">Servo Control Panel</span></p></td>
                        Device IP:
          				   <input type="input" id="device" value="" maxlength="50" size="12" />
								<button onclick="saveKeys ( )">Save IP</button>
                        <button onclick="deleteKeys ( )">Delete IP</button>
        <div id="navigationwrap">
        <div id="navigation">
   			 <table class="outset">
								<select id="mode">
									<option value="MAN">Manual</option>
									<option selected="selected" value="AUTO">Auto</option>
								Movment speed:
								<select id="speed">
									<option value="1">Fast</option>
									<option value="2">Medium</option>
									<option value="3">Slow</option>
							   <select id="files">
								   <option value="">---BLANK---</option>
							<td>New File:
							   <input type="input" id="newfile" value="" maxlength="32" size="24" />
        <div id="leftcolumnwrap">
        <div id="leftcolumn">
					<button onclick="AniNew ( )">New Animation</button>
					<button onclick="AniLoad ( )">Load Animation</button>
					<button onclick="AniSave ( )">Save Animation</button>
					<button onclick="AniRun ( )">Run Animation</button>
					<button onclick="homeAll ( )">Home All</button>
					<button onclick="resetcontroller ( )">Reset Servo Ctrl</button>
        <div id="contentwrap">
        <div id="content">
				  		<input id="servo1" type="range" min="0" max="179" value="90" onchange="showValue ('1', this.value)" />
							<button id="setmin_but1" onclick="setMin ('1')"><<</button>
							<button id="dec_but1" onclick="setDecVal ('1')">-</button>
							<button id="inc_but1" onclick="setIncVal ('1')">+</button>
							<button id="setmax_but1" onclick="setMax ('1')">>></button>
							<input type="input" id="range1" value="90" maxlength="3" size="3" />
							<button id="set_but1" onclick="setServoVal ('1')">Set</button>
							<button id="home_but1" onclick="homeServo ('1', '90')">Home</button>
							<input type="hidden" id="servo_id1" value="0" />
							<input type="hidden" id="conn_state1" value="0" />
							<select id="gpio1">
								<option value="0">D0</option>
								<option value="1">D1</option>
								<option value="2">D2</option>
								<option value="3">D3</option>
								<option value="4">D4</option>
								<option value="5">D5</option>
								<option value="6">D6</option>
								<option value="7">D7</option>
								<option value="8">D8</option>
							<button id="conn_but1" onclick="connServo ('1')">Connect</button>
				  		<input id="servo2" type="range" min="0" max="179" value="90" onchange="showValue ('2', this.value)" />
							<button id="setmin_but2" onclick="setMin ('2')"><<</button>
							<button id="dec_but2" onclick="setDecVal ('2')">-</button>
							<button id="inc_but2" onclick="setIncVal ('2')">+</button>
							<button id="setmax_but2" onclick="setMax ('2')">>></button>
							<input type="input" id="range2" value="90" maxlength="3" size="3" />
							<button id="set_but2" onclick="setServoVal ('2')">Set</button>
							<button id="home_but2" onclick="homeServo ('2', '90')">Home</button>
							<input type="hidden" id="servo_id2" value="0" />
							<input type="hidden" id="conn_state2" value="0" />
							<select id="gpio2">
								<option value="0">D0</option>
								<option value="1">D1</option>
								<option value="2">D2</option>
								<option value="3">D3</option>
								<option value="4">D4</option>
								<option value="5">D5</option>
								<option value="6">D6</option>
								<option value="7">D7</option>
								<option value="8">D8</option>
							<button id="conn_but2" onclick="connServo ('2')">Connect</button>
				  		<input id="servo3" type="range" min="0" max="179" value="90" onchange="showValue ('3', this.value)" />
							<button id="setmin_but3" onclick="setMin ('3')"><<</button>
							<button id="dec_but3" onclick="setDecVal ('3')">-</button>
							<button id="inc_but3" onclick="setIncVal ('3')">+</button>
							<button id="setmax_but3" onclick="setMax ('3')">>></button>
							<input type="input" id="range3" value="90" maxlength="3" size="3" />
							<button id="set_but3" onclick="setServoVal ('3')">Set</button>
							<button id="home_but3" onclick="homeServo ('3', '90')">Home</button>
							<input type="hidden" id="servo_id3" value="0" />
							<input type="hidden" id="conn_state3" value="0" />
							<select id="gpio3">
								<option value="0">D0</option>
								<option value="1">D1</option>
								<option value="2">D2</option>
								<option value="3">D3</option>
								<option value="4">D4</option>
								<option value="5">D5</option>
								<option value="6">D6</option>
								<option value="7">D7</option>
								<option value="8">D8</option>
							<button id="conn_but3" onclick="connServo ('3')">Connect</button>
				  		<input id="servo4" type="range" min="0" max="179" value="90" onchange="showValue ('4', this.value)" />
							<button id="setmin_but4" onclick="setMin ('4')"><<</button>
							<button id="dec_but4" onclick="setDecVal ('4')">-</button>
							<button id="inc_but4" onclick="setIncVal ('4')">+</button>
							<button id="setmax_but4" onclick="setMax ('4')">>></button>
							<input type="input" id="range4" value="90" maxlength="3" size="3" />
							<button id="set_but4" onclick="setServoVal ('4')">Set</button>
							<button id="home_but4" onclick="homeServo ('4', '90')">Home</button>
							<input type="hidden" id="servo_id4" value="0" />
							<input type="hidden" id="conn_state4" value="0" />
							<select id="gpio4">
								<option value="0">D0</option>
								<option value="1">D1</option>
								<option value="2">D2</option>
								<option value="3">D3</option>
								<option value="4">D4</option>
								<option value="5">D5</option>
								<option value="6">D6</option>
								<option value="7">D7</option>
								<option value="8">D8</option>
							<button id="conn_but4" onclick="connServo ('4')">Connect</button>
				  		<input id="servo5" type="range" min="0" max="179" value="90" onchange="showValue ('5', this.value)" />
							<button id="setmin_but5" onclick="setMin ('5')"><<</button>
							<button id="dec_but5" onclick="setDecVal ('5')">-</button>
							<button id="inc_but5" onclick="setIncVal ('5')">+</button>
							<button id="setmax_but5" onclick="setMax ('5')">>></button>
							<input type="input" id="range5" value="90" maxlength="3" size="3" />
							<button id="set_but5" onclick="setServoVal ('5')">Set</button>
							<button id="home_but5" onclick="homeServo ('5', '90')">Home</button>
							<input type="hidden" id="servo_id5" value="0" />
							<input type="hidden" id="conn_state5" value="0" />
							<select id="gpio5">
								<option value="0">D0</option>
								<option value="1">D1</option>
								<option value="2">D2</option>
								<option value="3">D3</option>
								<option value="4">D4</option>
								<option value="5">D5</option>
								<option value="6">D6</option>
								<option value="7">D7</option>
								<option value="8">D8</option>
							<button id="conn_but5" onclick="connServo ('5')">Connect</button>
				  		<input id="servo6" type="range" min="0" max="179" value="90" onchange="showValue ('6', this.value)" />
							<button id="setmin_but6" onclick="setMin ('6')"><<</button>
							<button id="dec_but6" onclick="setDecVal ('6')">-</button>
							<button id="inc_but6" onclick="setIncVal ('6')">+</button>
							<button id="setmax_but6" onclick="setMax ('6')">>></button>
							<input type="input" id="range6" value="90" maxlength="3" size="3" />
							<button id="set_but6" onclick="setServoVal ('6')">Set</button>
							<button id="home_but6" onclick="homeServo ('6', '90')">Home</button>
							<input type="hidden" id="servo_id6" value="0" />
							<input type="hidden" id="conn_state6" value="0" />
							<select id="gpio6">
								<option value="0">D0</option>
								<option value="1">D1</option>
								<option value="2">D2</option>
								<option value="3">D3</option>
								<option value="4">D4</option>
								<option value="5">D5</option>
								<option value="6">D6</option>
								<option value="7">D7</option>
								<option value="8">D8</option>
							<button id="conn_but6" onclick="connServo ('6')">Connect</button>
				  		<input id="servo7" type="range" min="0" max="179" value="90" onchange="showValue ('7', this.value)" />
							<button id="setmin_but7" onclick="setMin ('7')"><<</button>
							<button id="dec_but7" onclick="setDecVal ('7')">-</button>
							<button id="inc_but7" onclick="setIncVal ('7')">+</button>
							<button id="setmax_but7" onclick="setMax ('7')">>></button>
							<input type="input" id="range7" value="90" maxlength="3" size="3" />
							<button id="set_but7" onclick="setServoVal ('7')">Set</button>
							<button id="home_but7" onclick="homeServo ('7', '90')">Home</button>
							<input type="hidden" id="servo_id7" value="0" />
							<input type="hidden" id="conn_state7" value="0" />
							<select id="gpio7">
								<option value="0">D0</option>
								<option value="1">D1</option>
								<option value="2">D2</option>
								<option value="3">D3</option>
								<option value="4">D4</option>
								<option value="5">D5</option>
								<option value="6">D6</option>
								<option value="7">D7</option>
								<option value="8">D8</option>
							<button id="conn_but7" onclick="connServo ('7')">Connect</button>
				  		<input id="servo8" type="range" min="0" max="179" value="90" onchange="showValue ('8', this.value)" />
							<button id="setmin_but8" onclick="setMin ('8')"><<</button>
							<button id="dec_but8" onclick="setDecVal ('8')">-</button>
							<button id="inc_but8" onclick="setIncVal ('8')">+</button>
							<button id="setmax_but8" onclick="setMax ('8')">>></button>
							<input type="input" id="range8" value="90" maxlength="3" size="3" />
							<button id="set_but8" onclick="setServoVal ('8')">Set</button>
							<button id="home_but8" onclick="homeServo ('8', '90')">Home</button>
							<input type="hidden" id="servo_id8" value="0" />
							<input type="hidden" id="conn_state8" value="0" />
							<select id="gpio8">
								<option value="0">D0</option>
								<option value="1">D1</option>
								<option value="2">D2</option>
								<option value="3">D3</option>
								<option value="4">D4</option>
								<option value="5">D5</option>
								<option value="6">D6</option>
								<option value="7">D7</option>
								<option value="8">D8</option>
							<button id="conn_but8" onclick="connServo ('8')">Connect</button>
						<td>			</td>	<td>			</td>
						<td>			</td>	<td>			</td>
						<td>			</td>	<td>			</td>
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							<button onclick="recordFrame ( )">Record Frame</button>
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MKR1000 Servo Control Panel

Arduino MKR1000 Servo Control Panel — Read More



About The Author

Ibrar Ayyub

I am an experienced technical writer holding a Master's degree in computer science from BZU Multan, Pakistan University. With a background spanning various industries, particularly in home automation and engineering, I have honed my skills in crafting clear and concise content. Proficient in leveraging infographics and diagrams, I strive to simplify complex concepts for readers. My strength lies in thorough research and presenting information in a structured and logical format.

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