Magic Pixel is a universal and handy Bluetooth LED display, which we’ve been developing with focus on ease of use and effectivity. It can be used for displaying advertisement, information or just for fun. Magic Pixel is an ideal solution where effective and dynamic visualization of information is required.
With its thin profile and matte black front panel Magic Pixel looks unsuspicious, but its high luminosity display with live colours will attract every single pair of eyes passing by.
Magic Pixel is available in two sizes. The smaller one has a resolution of 64×32 pixels, and it measures 25.2″ by 12.6″ (28″ across). The bigger model has a resolution of 64×48 pixels, and it measures 25.2″ by 18.9″ (31.5″ across). Both models feature a thin profile, and are only 1.2″ thick.
Mobile apps for Magic Pixel will be available for both iOS and Android, and will be available for free from App Store and Google Play correspondingly.
Supported functions:
- Live video streaming from PC or Mac over USB 2.0
- Scrolling text editable over Bluetooth 4.0 LE
- Playback of animations in GIF format from a micro SD card
You can use the animation or the video stream from the computer as a backdrop for the two lines of independent scrolling text. The animation has to be in GIF format with a resolution, which matches the resolution of the panel (64×32 or 64×48 pixels). The video is streamed over USB 2.0 using our free app for both Windows and OS X.
The screen flicker is caused by the camera refresh rate being out of sync with the Magic Pixel’s refresh rate, and therefore is not visible to the naked eye.
You can stream your desktop or a video from your PC or Mac using the supplied free application.
The software is compatible with Windows XP or newer, and OS X 10.6 and newer, and requires Java Runtime Environment to be installed.
The screen flicker is caused by the camera refresh rate being out of sync with the Magic Pixel’s refresh rate, and therefore is not visible to the naked eye.
Read more: MAGIC PIXEL – Bluetooth full color LED display