I am very excited to bring to you another Kickstarter. The SAMD HCC Module!
What is it?
The SAMD HCC Module is an Arduino compatible, ready and easy to solder, surface mount programmable micro-controller module. Its purpose is to simplify the process of creating and building your own custom circuit boards without the need of worrying about soldering small fragile components, while still retaining all of the benefits of a tiny, lightweight, and low power micro-controller. Think of it as a way to bridge the gap between breadboard prototypes and full on “solder yourself” custom circuit boards. This is the simplified missing link. You use the module in combination with your custom circuit boards, to solder it directly to the board. No need for programming headers, power supplies, or FTDI chips.
With the seemingly endless supply of low cost custom circuit board manufacturers that will send you a PCB in a moments notice, there is no reason not to incorporate custom designs into your projects!
What is on board?
- MICROCHIP ATSAMD21G18A @ 48MHz, 256KB Flash, 32KB RAM
- Regulator @ 3.3V and 500mA Output
- Reset Button
- 6 x ADC (12-bit)
- Native USB (pre-loaded Bootloader)
- 16 x GPIO (i2c, SPI, UART, PWM)
- 32.768KHz Crystal
- RX/TX Indication LEDs
- Surface Mountable and Easy to Solder
- Small Footprint (22mm x 18mm)
What makes it special?
If you have been hanging around the electronics community at all, you will know there are a few modules available that are able to be programmed with the Arduino IDE and soldered directly on board, but there are a number of reasons why the HCC Module is special.
Read more: HCC MOD – Ready to Solder Arduino Module