ESP8266 Weather Widget

Welcome to my new Weather Widget Project.

ESP8266 Weather Widget

A weather widget is a application that can be downloaded on your PC, laptop or a mobile device and perform the job of providing easy access to weather information.But I was always trying to make something different.So I go through the internet to get some ideas.After few days of my work, finally I made it.I am sharing this so that any one can make it easily.

This is an ESP8266 based Weather Display unit which retrieve localized weather information from by WLAN and display it on a 128×64 OLED Display.

The Widget display following things

1. Current Time with Date

2. Current Day Weather Information like Temperature,Pressure,Humidity and Rain fall.

3. Future forecasting for 3 days

I would like to give credit to my friend Dani Eichhorn who did all of the programming parts.He is updating the software on his Github page regularly with new features.You can visit SquixTechBlog to see more projects on ESP8266.

Step 1: Parts and Tools Required

Parts Required :

1. ESP8266 -01 (eBay )

2. Optional NodeMCU ESP8266-12 ( eBay )

3. OLED Display (eBay )

4. Voltage Regulator AMS1117 ( eBay )

5.Tactile Switch (eBay )

6.Slide Switch ( eBay )

7.Resistors ( 10K and 330R )

8.Female Double Row Straight Pin Header ( eBay )

9. Male Double Row Right Angle Pin Header ( eBay )

9.Jumper Wires ( eBay )

10.Prototype Board ( eBay )

Tools Required :

1. Soldering Iron

2.Wire Cutter

3.Wire Stripper


Step 2: Making the Circuit

Make the circuit on a prototype board as per the schematic shown above.

Important thing is that this Board can be used for programming the ESP8266 -01 module from Arduino IDE. You can use it for any of your project.

The whole Circuit is consists of ESP8266-01 module, OLED Display and few other components

1. AMS1117 : This is a voltage regulator which convert 5V to 3.3V required for ESP8266 module.

2. Tactile Switch ( S1) : Used for Resetting the ESP8266

3.Slide Switch (S2) : Used for changing the mode of ESP8266. There are two modes Normal and Program Mode.

4. Resistors : R1 is a pull up resistor and R2 is current limiting resistor.

5. Header CP2102 : Used for programming

6.Header Power : Provide power from a LiPo Battery.This is optional, because you can use the programming port’s two pin for power.

7. Header OLED : Connection for OLED Display

Update as on 13/03/2016 : New PCB files

Thanks to my friend spilz who put his effort to make this nice PCB.Now you can make it by downloading the gerber files attached below.

Read more: ESP8266 Weather Widget

About The Author

Ibrar Ayyub

I am an experienced technical writer holding a Master's degree in computer science from BZU Multan, Pakistan University. With a background spanning various industries, particularly in home automation and engineering, I have honed my skills in crafting clear and concise content. Proficient in leveraging infographics and diagrams, I strive to simplify complex concepts for readers. My strength lies in thorough research and presenting information in a structured and logical format.

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