After working with the arduino and not knowing what the heck I’m doing I made Another simple traffic light. I looked around the web to find one that looks about normal and came across none. They seemed too fast. So, I found and modded some code to make this work. The coding is pretty simple.
Step 1: The Parts
1 – Arduino (Obvious)
1 – Breadboard
6 – 270 ohm resistors
2 – Red LED
2 – Yellow LED
2 – Green LED
Misc. – Wires and Patients.
Step 2: Wiring
I used Pins 2 – 7 to make things easy. I don’t know if it hurts the Arduino to use both PWM and standard pins or not but, It works.
I wired up the grounds to the ground rail through the 270 OHM Resistors, it seems backwards to me, because I’m and electrician, to go to ground through a resistor but, I have seen this alot.
I took the 6 LED’s Anode lead and wired……
Side 1 Side 2
1 – Red to Pin 2 2 – Red to 5
1 – Yellow to 3 2 – Yellow to 6
1 – Green to 4 2 – Green to 7
Step 3: The Code
I hope I didn’t miss anything but if I did just comment.
The code I use seems simple, But I got confused so I had to get some help on figuring out what did what to who and how many.
There are some commented out sections that could come into play later.
1 – Breadboard
6 – 270 ohm resistors
For more detail: Another Arduino Traffic light