This collection of short Arduino sketches introduces a variety of programming concepts. The comments are minimal as these are intended to be starting points for explanation.
// 1. blink the onboard Arduino LED on pin 13. // 2. demonstrate setup(), loop() // 3. demonstrate pinMode(), digitalWrite(), delay() void setup() { pinMode(13, OUTPUT); } void loop() { digitalWrite(13, HIGH); delay(1000); digitalWrite(13, LOW); delay(1000); }
#include <Servo.h> // 1. demonstrate use of Serial port for debugging output // 2. demonstrate IDE graphing: see Tools/Serial Plotter void setup() { Serial.begin(115200); } void loop() { Serial.println(sin(4 * 6.28 * 0.001 * millis())); }
// 1. use the Arduino IDE plotting utility to visualize an analog signal // 2. demonstrate analogRead() void setup() { Serial.begin(115200); } void loop() { int input = analogRead(A0); Serial.println(input); delay(20); }
// 1. measure execution time // 2. demonstrate the firmware clock // 3. demonstrate debugging on the serial port void setup() { Serial.begin(115200); } long last_time = 0; void loop() { long now = micros(); Serial.print(millis()); Serial.print(" "); Serial.print(micros()); Serial.print(" "); Serial.println(now - last_time); last_time = now; }
// Demonstration of the following: // 1. digitalWrite() to the onboard LED // 2. delay() // 3. Morse code signaling void setup() { pinMode(13, OUTPUT); } void dot() { digitalWrite(13, HIGH); delay(200); digitalWrite(13, LOW); delay(200); } void dash() { digitalWrite(13, HIGH); delay(600); digitalWrite(13, LOW); delay(200); } void endchar() { delay(400); } void loop() { dot(); dot(); dot(); endchar(); // S dash(); dash(); dash(); endchar(); // O dot(); dot(); dot(); endchar(); // S delay(1000); }
// Demonstration of the following: // 1. digitalRead() from external switch // 2. digitalWrite() to external LED const int SWITCH_PIN = 8; const int LED_PIN = 4; void setup() { Serial.begin(115200); pinMode(LED_PIN, OUTPUT); pinMode(SWITCH_PIN, INPUT); } void loop() { int value = digitalRead(SWITCH_PIN); Serial.println(value); digitalWrite(LED_PIN, value); delay(50); }
// 1. generate tones on a speaker on pin 5 // 2. demonstrate tone(), noTone(), delay() const int SPEAKER_PIN = 5; void setup() { // empty body, tone() configures a pin for output } void loop() { // play A4 "concert A" tone(SPEAKER_PIN, 440); delay(1000); // silence noTone(SPEAKER_PIN); delay(1000); // play E5 perfect fifth using 3/2 "just intonation" ratio tone(SPEAKER_PIN, 660); delay(1000); }
// 1. generate complex waveform on a speaker on pin 5 // 2. demonstrate execution speed, firmware clocks, bit-banging logic const int SPEAKER_PIN = 5; void setup() { pinMode(SPEAKER_PIN, OUTPUT); } void loop() { long now = micros(); // 2274 usec period ~= 439.75 Hz ~= A4 bool square1 = (now % 2274) < 1136; // 1516 usec period ~= 659.63 HZ ~= E5 bool square2 = (now % 1516) < 758; digitalWrite(SPEAKER_PIN, square1 ^ square2); }
// 1. generate chromatic tones on a speaker on pin 5 // 2. demonstrate for loops, int and float variables const int SPEAKER_PIN = 5; void setup() { } void loop() { float freq = 440.0; for (int i = 0; i < 24; i = i + 1) { tone(SPEAKER_PIN, freq); delay(200); freq = freq * 1.0595; } noTone(SPEAKER_PIN); delay(1000); }
// 1. generate tones on a speaker on pin 5 // 2. demonstrate table lookup // 3. demonstrate Serial debugging const int SPEAKER_PIN = 5; void setup() { Serial.begin(115200); Serial.println("Hello!"); } const float note_table[] = { 440.0, 523.25, 659.26, 523.25, 659.26, 523.25/2, 440.0, 659.26, 659.26*2, 523.25, -1.0 }; void loop() { for (int i = 0; note_table[i] > 0.0 ; i = i + 1) { Serial.print("Note: "); Serial.println(note_table[i]); tone(SPEAKER_PIN, note_table[i]); delay(200); } noTone(SPEAKER_PIN); delay(500); }
// 1. generate tones on a speaker on pin 5 // 2. demonstrate MIDI notes and equal temperament scales // 3. use of a const byte table (unsigned 8 bit integers) const int SPEAKER_PIN = 5; const byte notes[] = {60, 62, 64, 65, 67, 69, 71, 72}; const int notes_len = sizeof(notes) / sizeof(byte); const int MIDI_A0 = 21; const float freq_A0 = 27.5; void setup() { Serial.begin(115200); } void loop() { for (int i = 0; i < notes_len; i = i + 1) { int note = notes[i]; float freq = freq_A0 * pow(2.0, ((float)(note - MIDI_A0)) / 12.0); Serial.println(freq); tone(SPEAKER_PIN, freq); delay(500); } noTone(SPEAKER_PIN); delay(1000); }
// 1. generate tones on a speaker on pin 5 // 2. demonstrate functional abstraction // 3. demonstrate MIDI notes and equal temperament scales // 4. demonstrate for loop with multiple expressions // 5. demonstate global constants with 'const float' and 'const int' const int SPEAKER_PIN = 5; void setup() { Serial.begin(115200); } void loop() { arpeggio(60, 3, 4); // 60 is the MIDI number for note C4 silence(); arpeggio(60, 3, 8); arpeggio(85, -6, 8); silence(); silence(); } void arpeggio(int start, int interval, int length) { for (int note = start, count = 0; count < length; note = note + interval, count = count + 1) { float freq = midi_to_freq(note); Serial.println(freq); tone(SPEAKER_PIN, freq); delay(200); } } const int MIDI_A0 = 21; const float freq_A0 = 27.5; float midi_to_freq(int midi_note) { return freq_A0 * pow(2.0, ((float)(midi_note - MIDI_A0)) / 12.0); } void silence(void) { noTone(SPEAKER_PIN); delay(500); }
// 1. read a switch input on pin 9 // 2. generate tones on a speaker on pin 5 // 3. demonstrate a simple state machine // 4. demonstrate Serial debugging const int SWITCH_PIN = 9; const int SPEAKER_PIN = 5; void setup() { Serial.begin(115200); Serial.println("Hello!"); } const float note_table[] = { 440.0, 523.25, 659.26, 523.25, 659.26, 523.25/2, 440.0, 659.26, 659.26*2, 523.25, -1 }; int nextnote = 0; /// The loop function is called repeatedly by the Arduino system. In this /// example, it executes once per cycle of the switch input. void loop() { while(digitalRead(SWITCH_PIN) != 0) { // Busywait for the switch to be pressed. Note that the body of the while // is empty, this just loops reading the switch input until it goes low. } // The following is executed once per switch cycle, right after the switch is pressed. float freq = note_table[nextnote]; Serial.print("Note: "); Serial.println(freq); tone(SPEAKER_PIN, freq); // advance to the next note, looping at the end nextnote = nextnote + 1; if (note_table[nextnote] < 0) nextnote = 0; // Busywait for the switch to be released: loop until the switch input goes high. while(digitalRead(SWITCH_PIN) == 0) { } // The following is executed once, right after the switch is released. noTone(SPEAKER_PIN); }
// demo use of a library, hobby servo output #include <Servo.h> Servo your_chosen_servo_name; void setup() { your_chosen_servo_name.attach(9); } void loop() { your_chosen_servo_name.write(45); delay(500); your_chosen_servo_name.write(135); delay(500); }
#include <Servo.h> Servo indicator; const int SERVO_PIN = 6; void setup() { Serial.begin(115200); indicator.attach(SERVO_PIN); } // global step counter int step = 0; void loop() { // Perform a smooth sinusoidal movement around the center. float phase = step * (2*M_PI/60); float angle = 90 + 90*sin(phase); step = step + 1; indicator.write(angle); // degrees Serial.println(angle); delay(50); // milliseconds }
// demo use of a trajectory generator function #include <Servo.h> const int SERVO_PIN = 9; Servo wiggling_servo; void setup(void) { Serial.begin(115200); wiggling_servo.attach(SERVO_PIN); } void loop(void) { // Perform a smooth movement around the center several times. for (int i = 0; i < 4; i = i+1) { // Define a few constants governing the motion. Note that this example // uses a C++ style of declaration which looks more like a normal variable // declaration, but whose value cannot be changed. const float center = 90.0; // in degrees const float magnitude = 30.0; // in degrees const float period = 4.0; // in seconds, duration of cycle const float interval = 0.020; // in seconds, duration of each step int cycle_steps = period / interval; for (int step = 0; step < cycle_steps; step++) { // Compute the 'phase angle' for the sine function. Note that the sin() // function requires an angle in radians. float phase = step * (2*M_PI/cycle_steps); // Compute the angle to send to the servo. float angle = center + magnitude * sin(phase); wiggling_servo.write(angle); // Wait for one sampling period. delay(1000*interval); } } Serial.println("cycle done."); }
// demo use of a lookup table #include <Servo.h> const int SERVO_PIN = 9; Servo svo; void setup(void) { svo.attach(SERVO_PIN); } const int angles[12] = { 45, 0, 135, 0, 90, 0, 90, 45, 135, 90, 180, 0 }; void loop(void) { for (int idx = 0; idx < 12; idx = idx + 1) { svo.write(angles[idx]); delay(500); } }
// 1. demonstrate use of a differential equation generator function // 2. demonstrate use of a function as motion primitive #include <Servo.h> const int SERVO_PIN = 9; Servo svo; // ================================================================ // Simple Harmonic Motion oscillator, e.g. unit-mass on spring with damping. const float k1 = 4*M_PI*M_PI; // 1 Hz; freq = (1/2*pi) * sqrt(k/m); k = (freq*2*pi)^2 const float b1 = 2.0; // default damping const float dt = 0.02; // integration time step (same as command rate) float q = 0.0; // initial position float qd = 0.0; // initial velocity // ================================================================ void setup(void) { Serial.begin(115200); svo.attach(SERVO_PIN); } // ================================================================ void loop() { ringing_servo(90.0, k1, b1, 1.5); ringing_servo(45.0, k1, b1, 1.5); ringing_servo(90.0, k1, b1, 2.5); } // ================================================================ // Create a simple harmonic motion around position 'q_d' using spring constant 'k' and // damping 'b' for 'duration' seconds. void ringing_servo(float q_d, float k, float b, float duration) { while (duration > 0.0) { // calculate the derivatives float qdd = k * (q_d - q) - b * qd; // integrate one time step q += qd * dt; qd += qdd * dt; // update the servo svo.write(q); // print the output for plotting Serial.println(q); // delay to control timing delay((int)(1000*dt)); duration -= dt; } }
event loops
// 1. Blink the onboard Arduino LED on pin 13. // 2. Demonstrate a non-blocking event loop. // 3. Demonstrate micros() and timing calculations. // 4. Note the absence of delay(). For comparison, see blink.ino. void setup(void) { pinMode(LED_BUILTIN, OUTPUT); } void loop(void) { static unsigned long last_update_clock = 0; unsigned long now = micros(); unsigned long interval = now - last_update_clock; last_update_clock = now; static long led_blink_timer = 0; static bool led_blink_state = false; const long led_blink_interval = 500000; led_blink_timer -= interval; if (led_blink_timer <= 0) { led_blink_timer += led_blink_interval; led_blink_state = !led_blink_state; digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, led_blink_state); } }
void setup(void) { pinMode(LED_BUILTIN, OUTPUT); } /****************************************************************/ void delay_and_poll(long microseconds) { unsigned long last_update_clock = micros(); while (microseconds > 0) { unsigned long now = micros(); unsigned long interval = now - last_update_clock; last_update_clock = now; microseconds -= interval; static long led_blink_timer = 0; static bool led_blink_state = false; const long led_blink_interval = 500000; led_blink_timer -= interval; if (led_blink_timer <= 0) { led_blink_timer += led_blink_interval; led_blink_state = !led_blink_state; digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, led_blink_state); } } } /****************************************************************/ void loop(void) { // entering state 0 delay_and_poll(1000000); // entering state 1 delay_and_poll(1000000); // entering state 2 delay_and_poll(1000000); // entering state 3 while (true) delay_and_poll(1000000); }
// 1. Demonstrate polling hardware inputs while waiting. const int SPEAKER_PIN = 5; const int SWITCH_PIN = 3; void setup(void) { Serial.begin(115200); pinMode(SWITCH_PIN, INPUT); } void loop(void) { // start the main script Serial.println("siren..."); play_siren(); // always wait for a brief silence before repeating Serial.println("silence."); noTone(SPEAKER_PIN); delay(1000); } void play_siren(void) { // begin an interruptible sequence for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { tone(SPEAKER_PIN, 622); if (cond_delay(300)) return; tone(SPEAKER_PIN, 440); if (cond_delay(300)) return; } } // A conditional delay. This will wait for the given number of milliseconds // unless the switch is pressed. Returns false if time is reached or true if // interrupted. bool cond_delay(int milliseconds) { unsigned long last_update_clock = millis(); while (milliseconds > 0) { unsigned long now = millis(); unsigned long interval = now - last_update_clock; last_update_clock = now; milliseconds -= interval; // check if the switch input has gone low (active-low switch circuit) if (digitalRead(SWITCH_PIN) == 0) return true; } return false; }
state machines
// 1. Simultaneous blink the onboard Arduino LED on pin 13 and play a melody in pin 5. // 2. Demonstrate a non-blocking event loop with multiple tasks. // 3. Demonstrate micros() and timing calculations. // 4. Demonstrate switch-case state machine structure. void setup(void) { pinMode(LED_BUILTIN, OUTPUT); } /****************************************************************/ void loop(void) { static unsigned long last_update_clock = 0; unsigned long now = micros(); unsigned long interval = now - last_update_clock; last_update_clock = now; // simultaneously run several independent tasks poll_led(interval); poll_melody(interval); } /****************************************************************/ // State variables for the LED blinker. long led_blink_timer = 0; bool led_blink_state = false; const long led_blink_interval = 500000; void poll_led(unsigned long interval) { // This task uses the decrementing timer idiom (led_blink_timer). led_blink_timer -= interval; if (led_blink_timer <= 0) { // Reset the LED timer. led_blink_timer += led_blink_interval; // Toggle the LED to blink it. led_blink_state = !led_blink_state; digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, led_blink_state); } } /****************************************************************/ // State variables for the melody player. int melody_index = 0; long melody_elapsed = 0; const int SPEAKER_PIN = 5; const int NOTE_FS4 = 370; const int NOTE_C4 = 262; void poll_melody(unsigned long interval) { // This task uses the incrementing timer idiom (melody_elapsed). The elapsed // time value is increased on each cycle, then reset at state transitions. melody_elapsed += interval; // Following is a state machine implemented using switch-case. This example // executes state 0-5 in sequence then remains in state 5. Each state // transition is conditioned purely on elapsed time; transitions have the side // effect of changing the speaker pitch. Note that in a more general case // each state could transition to any other state or be conditioned on sensor // values. switch(melody_index) { case 0: // Initialization state: start the speaker tone and immediately transition to state 1. melody_elapsed = 0; melody_index += 1; tone(SPEAKER_PIN, NOTE_FS4); break; case 1: case 3: // Allow a tone to play for an interval, then change the tone and advance. if (melody_elapsed > 1000000) { melody_elapsed = 0; melody_index += 1; tone(SPEAKER_PIN, NOTE_C4); } break; case 2: case 4: // Allow a tone to play for an interval, then change the tone and advance. if (melody_elapsed > 1000000) { melody_elapsed = 0; melody_index += 1; tone(SPEAKER_PIN, NOTE_FS4); } break; case 5: default: // terminal state: script is done noTone(SPEAKER_PIN); break; } }
signal processing
/****************************************************************/ void setup(void) { Serial.begin(115200); } /****************************************************************/ void loop(void) { static unsigned long last_update_clock = 0; unsigned long now = micros(); unsigned long interval = now - last_update_clock; last_update_clock = now; const long sample_interval = 10000; // 10 msec, 100 Hz sampling static long sample_timer = 0; sample_timer -= interval; if (sample_timer <= 0) { sample_timer += sample_interval; int raw_value = analogRead(0); // read the current input float calibrated = ((float)raw_value) / 1024.0; // scale to normalized units static float smoothed_value = 0.0; // filtered value of the input float difference = calibrated - smoothed_value; // compute the 'error' smoothed_value += 0.1 * difference; // apply a constant gain to move the smoothed value toward the reading Serial.println(smoothed_value); } }
/****************************************************************/ void setup(void) { Serial.begin(115200); } /****************************************************************/ void loop(void) { static unsigned long last_update_clock = 0; unsigned long now = micros(); unsigned long interval = now - last_update_clock; last_update_clock = now; const long sample_interval = 10000; // 10 msec, 100 Hz sampling static long sample_timer = 0; sample_timer -= interval; if (sample_timer <= 0) { sample_timer += sample_interval; int raw_value = analogRead(0); float calibrated = ((float)raw_value) / 1024.0; ringfilter_put(calibrated); float velocity = ringfilter_deriv(0.01); float quadratic_params[3]; ringfilter_fit_quadratic(quadratic_params); Serial.print("v: "); Serial.print(velocity); Serial.print(" q: "); Serial.print(quadratic_params[0]); Serial.print(" "); Serial.print(quadratic_params[1]); Serial.print(" "); Serial.println(quadratic_params[2]); } }
// 1. apply proportional feedback using a dual H-bridge driver and analog position sensor // 2. demonstrate non-blocking event-loop structure // 3. demonstrate DRV8833 motor driver pulse width modulation // 4. demonstrate a smoothing filter on an analog input // Define DRV8833 control pin wiring as per CKS-1 shield board. const int MOT_A1_PIN = 5; const int MOT_A2_PIN = 6; const int MOT_B1_PIN = 10; const int MOT_B2_PIN = 9; const int POS_SENSOR_PIN = A0; /****************************************************************/ void setup(void) { // Configure the four DRV8833 control lines and set them to a quiescent state. pinMode(MOT_A1_PIN, OUTPUT); pinMode(MOT_A2_PIN, OUTPUT); pinMode(MOT_B1_PIN, OUTPUT); pinMode(MOT_B2_PIN, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(MOT_A1_PIN, LOW); digitalWrite(MOT_A2_PIN, LOW); digitalWrite(MOT_B1_PIN, LOW); digitalWrite(MOT_B2_PIN, LOW); // Start the serial port for the console. Serial.begin(115200); } /****************************************************************/ void loop(void) { static unsigned long last_update_clock = 0; unsigned long now = micros(); unsigned long interval = now - last_update_clock; last_update_clock = now; poll_feedback_loop(interval); } /****************************************************************/ // Polling function for the feedback process: reads an analog position sensor at // regular sampling intervals, calculates a new motor speed and configures the // DRV8833 motor driver PWM outputs. const long sample_interval = 10000; // 10 msec, 100 Hz sampling long sample_timer = 0; float position = 0.0; // filtered value of the input (unit normalization) float target = 0.5; // target position (unit normalization) void poll_feedback_loop(unsigned long interval) { sample_timer -= interval; if (sample_timer <= 0) { sample_timer += sample_interval; int raw_value = analogRead(POS_SENSOR_PIN); // read the current input float calibrated = ((float)raw_value) / 1024.0; // scale to normalized units // first-order smoothing filter to reduce noise in the position estimate float difference = calibrated - position; // compute the 'error' in the sensor reading position += 0.2 * difference; // apply a constant gain to move the smoothed value toward the reading // calculate a proportional position control update float position_error = target - position; // compute the position error float control_output = 2.0 * position_error; // apply a proportional position gain int control_pwm = constrain((int)(256.0 * control_output), -255, 255); set_motor_pwm(control_pwm, MOT_A1_PIN, MOT_A2_PIN); } } /****************************************************************/ // Set the current speed and direction for either of the DRV8833 channels. // // Parameters: // pwm : integer velocity ranging from -255 to 255. // IN1_PIN : either MOT_A1_PIN or MOT_B1_PIN // IN2_PIN : either MOT_A2_PIN or MOT_B2_PIN // // (Note: uses 'fast-decay' mode: coast not brake.) void set_motor_pwm(int pwm, int IN1_PIN, int IN2_PIN) { if (pwm < 0) { // reverse speeds analogWrite(IN1_PIN, -pwm); digitalWrite(IN2_PIN, LOW); } else { // stop or forward digitalWrite(IN1_PIN, LOW); analogWrite(IN2_PIN, pwm); } } /****************************************************************/
// demo use of a differential equation generator function #include <Servo.h> const int SERVO_PIN = 9; Servo svo; // ================================================================ // Simple Harmonic Motion oscillator, e.g. unit-mass on spring with damping. const float k = 4*M_PI*M_PI; // 1 Hz; freq = (1/2*pi) * sqrt(k/m); k = (freq*2*pi)^2 const float b = 1.0; // damping const float q_d = 90.0; // neutral spring position const float dt = 0.01; // integration time step float q = 0.0; // initial position float qd = 0.0; // initial velocity // ================================================================ void setup(void) { Serial.begin(115200); svo.attach(SERVO_PIN); } // ================================================================ void loop() { // calculate the derivatives float qdd = k * (q_d - q) - b * qd; // integrate one time step q += qd * dt; qd += qdd * dt; // update the servo svo.write(q); // logic to reset the oscillator after a cycle has completed if (fabs(qd) < 0.1 && fabs(q_d - q) < 0.1) q = 0.0; // print the output for plotting Serial.println(q); // delay to control timing delay((int)(1000*dt)); }
// Demonstration of the following: // 1. properties of Arduino Uno numeric types // 2. use of Serial port for debugging output // 3. properties of Arduino numbers // Include optional floating-point numeric constants. #include <float.h> void setup() { Serial.begin(115200); } void loop() { int normal = 0; // 16 bit integer, values range from -32768 to 32767 long large = 0; // 32 bit integer, values range from -2147483648 to 2147483647 float number = 0.0; // 32 bit float, positive values range as high as 3.4028235E+38 Serial.print("bytes in an int: "); Serial.println(sizeof(normal)); Serial.print("bytes in a long: "); Serial.println(sizeof(large)); Serial.print("bytes in a float: "); Serial.println(sizeof(number)); // ----- int : 16 bits ------------------------------------------- normal = 0x7fff; Serial.print("Maximum int value: "); Serial.println(normal); // use the properties of twos-complement arithmetic to roll over to negative numbers normal = normal + 1; Serial.print("Minimum int value: "); Serial.println(normal); normal = LOW; Serial.print("Value of LOW: "); Serial.println(normal); normal = HIGH; Serial.print("Value of HIGH: "); Serial.println(normal); // ----- long : 32 bits ------------------------------------------- large = 0x7fffffff; Serial.print("Maximum long value: "); Serial.println(large); // use the properties of twos-complement arithmetic to roll over to negative numbers large = large + 1; Serial.print("Minimum int value: "); Serial.println(large); // ----- float: 32 bits ------------------------------------------- number = 0.123456789; Serial.print("0.123456789 with float precision: "); Serial.println(number, 10); // 10 decimal places number = M_PI; Serial.print("Value of pi as a float: "); Serial.println(number, 10); Serial.println("Please note, the print function does not work as expected for very large or small numbers:"); number = FLT_MAX; Serial.print("Maximum positive float value: "); Serial.println(number, 10); number = FLT_MIN; Serial.print("Minimum positive float value: "); Serial.println(number, 10); delay(1000); }
// 1. rock the toy with a servo // 2. demonstrate the Servo library #include <Servo.h> const int ARDUINO_LED = 13; const int SERVO1_PIN = 23; // on the Mega Pinball Shield const int PHOTO1_PIN = A0; // on the Mega Pinball Shield const int TILT_X_PIN = A8; // on the Mega Pinball Shield const int TILT_Y_PIN = A9; // on the Mega Pinball Shield const int TILT_Z_PIN = A10; // on the Mega Pinball Shield Servo rocker_servo; void setup() { pinMode(ARDUINO_LED, OUTPUT); rocker_servo.attach(SERVO1_PIN); Serial.begin(115200); } int lower = 60; int upper = 80; int pause1 = 100; int pause2 = 500; void loop() { digitalWrite(ARDUINO_LED, HIGH); rocker_servo.write(lower); delay(pause1); digitalWrite(ARDUINO_LED, LOW); rocker_servo.write(upper); delay(pause2); int photo1 = analogRead(PHOTO1_PIN); int tilt_x = analogRead(TILT_X_PIN); int tilt_y = analogRead(TILT_Y_PIN); int tilt_z = analogRead(TILT_Z_PIN); Serial.print("Photo1: "); Serial.print(photo1); Serial.print(" "); Serial.print("Servo lower upper pause1 pause2: "); Serial.print(lower); Serial.print(" "); Serial.print(upper); Serial.print(" "); Serial.print(pause1); Serial.print(" "); Serial.print(pause2); Serial.print(" "); Serial.print("Tilt XYZ: "); Serial.print(tilt_x); Serial.print(" "); Serial.print(tilt_y); Serial.print(" "); Serial.println(tilt_z); if (Serial.available() > 0) { lower = Serial.parseInt(); upper = Serial.parseInt(); pause1 = Serial.parseInt(); pause2 = Serial.parseInt(); while(Serial.available() > 0); } }
#include <Servo.h> const int SERVO_PIN = 6; const int SWITCH_PIN = 10; Servo svo; void setup(void) { pinMode(SWITCH_PIN, INPUT); svo.attach(SERVO_PIN); } bool previously_pressed = false; int angle = 0; void loop(void) { bool input = digitalRead(SWITCH_PIN); if (input) { // if the switch has not been pressed if (previously_pressed) { if (switchPressed) { // wait for the switch to be pressed while (digitalRead(SWITCH_PIN)) { // do nothing } while for (int idx = 0; idx < 12; idx = idx + 1) { svo.write(angles[idx]); delay(500); } }
// Demonstration of the following: // 1. essential program structure and logic // 2. logic using if () {} // 3. iteration using loop(), while(){}, and for(){} // 4. use of Serial port for debugging output void setup() { Serial.begin(115200); } int count = 32700; // The following shows several possible loop functions, each demonstrating // different features. The '#if 0/#endif' pairs are instructions to the // compiler to ignore an entire block of code. #if 0 void loop() { count = count + 1; Serial.println(count); delay(100); } #endif #if 0 void loop() { count = count + 1; Serial.println(count); if (count == 32767) { count = 32700; } delay(100); } #endif #if 0 void loop() { while (count < 32767) { count = count + 1; Serial.println(count); delay(100); } count = 32700; } #endif #if 0 void loop() { for (count = 32700; count < 32767; count = count+1) { Serial.println(count); delay(100); } } #endif
// 1. demonstrate a tilt ball switch as digital input // 2. generate tones on a speaker on pin 5 const int SPEAKER_PIN = 5; const int SWITCH_PIN = 2; void setup() { pinMode(SWITCH_PIN, INPUT); Serial.begin(115200); } void loop() { if (digitalRead(SWITCH_PIN)) { noTone(SPEAKER_PIN); // silence Serial.println("1"); } else { tone(SPEAKER_PIN, 440); // play A4 "concert A" Serial.println("0"); } }
Source: Arduino Lecture Sample Code