
Arduino Quiz Game Controller

Quiz Game Controller using “Lights and Sounds Buzzers” and Arduino

Jeopardy style quiz games are favorites for creating excitement and educational instruction at the same time.  Teachers, summer camp counselors, and even industry educators find this type of game to help generate interest and involvement from the participants. The idea behind the game is simple, but sometimes finding a device that will perform the “first […]

Quiz Game Controller using “Lights and Sounds Buzzers” and Arduino Continue Reading

Remote Smoke Alarm Buzzer Microcontroller Interface

Remote Smoke Alarm Buzzer & Microcontroller Interface

Add a remote buzzer to Smoke Alarms that are too far away be heard. Also add an optional Microcontroller interface e.g. Arduino. This document describes how to: Modify an escape-light type smoke alarm to sound a remote buzzer Create the buzzer module Create a microcontroller alarm interface including PCB layout Use an Arduino code example

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The Simplest Buzzer Tutorial Using Arduino

The Simplest Buzzer Tutorial; Using Arduino

Hey Makers, Lets make a Simple Quiz Buzzer using Arduino! Step 1: ​What We Can Do With It? What we can do with it? >Quiz Game Buzzer >Play Tunes and lots more…………. Step 2: Things Required >Arduino Uno (Buy From (Buy From >Buzzer (Buy From (Buy From >Switch (Buy From From >100ohm Resister (Buy From

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