The fast Windows CE-based WaveSurfer 4000HD systems with solid-state drives make the world’s highest definition oscilloscopes even more economical, powerful and productive with an efficient and intuitive user interface. 

Saelig Co. Inc. has introduced the Teledyne LeCroy WaveSurfer 4000HD range of high performance 4-channel digital oscilloscopes, with 12-bit vertical resolution based on Teledyne LeCroy’s HD4096 high definition technology.  Four models are available with bandwidths from 200MHz up to 1GHz.  This compact form-factor instrument features a large 12.1” multi-touch display for fast setup and operation.   With a screen refresh rate of 175,000 wfm/sec, the WaveSurfer 4000HD samples at  5GSa/s for two-channel operation and 2.5GSa/s when sampling all four channels. With 12.5Mpts/ch (4-ch) and 25Mpts (2-ch) this makes it possible to maintain a high sampling rate over a long period of time, providing a better tool for finding rogue waveforms.

Teledyne LeCroy WaveSurfer 4000HD high definition 12-bit oscilloscopes with HD4096 technology have higher resolution than conventional 8-bit oscilloscopes (4096 vs. 256 vertical levels). 12-bit ADCs with high sample rates, combined with high signal-to-noise amplifiers, and a low noise system architecture to 1GHz enables the capture and display of signals with 16 times more resolution than other oscilloscopes. Waveforms captured and displayed are cleaner and crisper. Signal details that are often lost in the noise on other oscilloscopes are clearly visible and easy to distinguish with HD4096-based oscilloscopes. Additionally, the 4000HD’s 16-bit offset DAC permits ±10 V offset at 20 mV/div, ±4 V at 5 mV/div, and an amazing ±1.6 V offset at the highest sensitivity (1 mV/div). Such large applied offsets, combined with 12-bit resolution, makes it easy to acquire and view small signal variations (e.g. ripple, noise, transient interference) on DC or sensor signals. This also provides extended offset ranges for many of Teledyne LeCroy’s high voltage probes.

The WaveSurfer 4000HD’s MAUI with OneTouch interface for its 12.1” touch-screen display means that all common operations can be performed with a single touch.  This puts all the power and capabilities of the oscilloscope at a fingerstroke. Drag, drop and flick gestures provide unsurpassed efficiency in oscilloscope operation.   All the common Automotive and Embedded serial standards are supported with the WaveSurfer 4000HD’s extensive serial data tools, which provide high performance triggers and decodes.  The scope series also features a 4-digit digital voltmeter and a 5-digit frequency counter, both of which work with any channel; measurements update even when system is not triggering. Teledyne LeCroy’s versatile LabNotebook feature stores all setups, waveforms, and screen images in a single LabNotebook file, to which may be added descriptive notes or screen image markups.


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