
Fingerprint Based Biometric Voting Machine using Arduino

Fingerprint Based Biometric Voting Machine using Arduino

We all are quite familiar with Electronic Voting Machines, where your vote gets registered electronically and you don’t need to use ballot paper to vote in election. Today security is a major concern and it also needs to be ensured that someone can’t vote twice, so this problem can be solved by introducing Finger Print […]

Fingerprint Based Biometric Voting Machine using Arduino Continue Reading

Arduino sound noise machines

Making sound (noise) machines using Arduino

As a part of being an artist in residence at Instructables, I took it upon myself to build of couple of noise machines / music boxes. My interest lies in designing objects that would enable people to explore the world of sound synthesis and for me to get a better understanding on how the different

Making sound (noise) machines using Arduino Continue Reading

personal CNC machine

Othermill on Kickstarter: a robust, personal CNC machine for milling circuit boards and more

My friend Jonathan Ward and the rest of the team at Otherfab have posted their new CNC milling machine, the Othermill, to KickStarter. This is a robust, low-cost machine for milling circuit boards, wax molds, wood, aluminum and more. The machine is made from high density polyethylene with an ingenious snap-fit mechanism that’s strong, reversible,

Othermill on Kickstarter: a robust, personal CNC machine for milling circuit boards and more Continue Reading

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