
Space Race Game using Arduino and Nokia 5110 Graphical Display

Space Race Game using Arduino and Nokia 5110 Graphical Display

Programming has always been fun and it just got a lot better with development platforms like Arduino. Almost every programmer out here would have tried to develop some kind of game using the language that they learning/practising. This helps them to tune their programming skills in a fun yet productive way. I have been a

Space Race Game using Arduino and Nokia 5110 Graphical Display Continue Reading

Arduino big crane game

Build a big crane game using Arduino

How to build a whole room crane game.  Based on the arcade style ‘Crane Game’ or ‘Claw Machine’.  This is a continuation of a previus instructable titled CRANE GAME in which we built a 2-axis crane game in a door frame.  We have now added a third axis and wireless control.  And made it big. A few technical and functional improvements:

Build a big crane game using Arduino Continue Reading

the interactive arthritis and memory exercise game

BrainTap: the interactive arthritis and memory exercise game

I built this project at at uni as a 3rd year project (with a couple of classmates) at the University of Technology, Sydney.It is aimed at Baby Boomers and targets a skill and level based memory and fine motor skills exercise game. The form is based on Arduino microcontrollers and hardwired with a randomised sequence

BrainTap: the interactive arthritis and memory exercise game Continue Reading

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