
Measuring seismic activity using ProtoCentral OpenPressure

Measuring Seismic Activity Using ProtoCentral OpenPressure

Seismic activity or “Vibrations of the earth” is measured using ProtoCentral’s OpenPressure 24-bit DAQ System. Introduction A geophone is a magnetic device used to measure the Earth’s normal vibrations (some abnormal during events such as earthquakes). These movements are also present when there is a small explosion (commonly used for mining and exploration purposes). The

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One step closer to the ‘ultimate battery’

One step closer to the ‘ultimate battery’

Although scientists are still working toward replacing lithium-ion (Li-ion) batteries with lithium-air (Li-air), or lithium-oxygen, batteries, researchers at the University of Cambridge have developed a lab-based demonstrator of such a battery. It is safe to say we still have another decade before we can begin to utilize such powerful batteries as scientists work to make

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OpenCVMeter – Rediscover Your Capacitors

OpenCVMeter – Rediscover Your Capacitors

When designing circuits, many hobbyists take capacitors for granted – but each type (ceramic multi-layer, aluminum electrolytic, tantalum, mica…) has its own unique properties. Nowadays, ceramic capacitors are the most commonly used capacitors in the industry, but many can lose up to 80% of their rated capacitance near their voltage ratings.  Enter the OpenCVMeter! This

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