RelayFi ESP32-WROOM 4 channel relay board

Hobbyists, electronic enthusiasts and makers may be interested in a new 4 channel relay board aptly named the RelayFi. The 4 channel smart relay board is powered by a ESP32 WROOM providing the ability to safely control up to four appliances or devices on a load of 110-250 VAC/7A, 30 VDC/10A depending on your needs. If you are interested in learning more about the relay board I would recommend jumping over to the official Raspberry Pi MagPi website where the team have carried out a review of the board explaining a little more about what it can be used for and its construction.

7/10 A solid IoT board with easy programming functions that can interact with Raspberry Pi just fine.

MagPi Magazine :

“With a series of I2c and standard component pins, you can add a little extra control to the board that is all programmed using the classic Arduino IDE. As it’s all Wi-Fi connected, having it talk to a Raspberry Pi or Pico W is a matter of making sure it’s looking for the right thing. Like an Arduino board, a micro USB port is used to power and connect to it for programming, which also supports various smart home systems for voice control via RelayFi. It’s a fairly solid build for such a relatively cheap board, and the ease of coding helps with its appeal as well.”

RelayFi 4 channel relay board

“RelayFi is a 4-channel smart relay board powered by ESP32-WROOM that has the ability to safely control up to 4 appliances or devices on a load of 110-250 VAC/7A, 30 VDC/10A, and photo-coupling isolation Optocoupler. Users can control their appliances using the third-party app on their electronic devices thanks to RelayFi. It is designed to work under low power consumption i.e. 60milli-Ampere in an ideal state.”

Source: RelayFi ESP32-WROOM 4 channel relay board

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