Reflow Master really started out as a microcontroller-based graphing experiment… I wanted to visualise the temperature in my toaster oven when I manually reflowed my PCBs.
I had a K-Type probe in my oven connected to my digital multimeter, and though I could see the temperature, unless I also used a stopwatch, I had no real idea of how long I was reflowing for and at what temperature… it was VERY scientific.
So I thought about using a MAX31855 module connected to a micro-controller to read the temp from my probe and simply drawing this as a graph of temperature over time on a small TFT screen also connected to the micro-controller.
Everyone knew I wasn’t going to stop there… Maybe deep down inside I knew that too, but on the surface, that was my only goal.
I designed and built everything either in videos or in live streams on my youtube channel, with my community constantly nudging me to “make it more” and ” make a product out of it”… with a few putting their hands up saying they’d like one.
Honestly, I was only building it for myself… I use mine almost daily for my other projects and products I sell. 100% perfect reflows every time!
Every time I used my Reflow Master in a stream building something else, again I’d get people constantly nudging me to release it.
So I spent the last few months refining the hardware, improving the code, making it quite user friendly and simplifying as much of the interface as possible. I also designed a nice 3D printed case for it.
Last Friday (August 10th, 2018 ), I launched my completed Reflow Master “product” on Tindie and sold out of my first 3 in less than 4 hours!
I have parts on the way for many more (I am impatient, so the wait in frustrating) and I hope to have it back in stock in the next few weeks.
Read more: Reflow Master – Graphical reflow controller