
Using a laser pointer and a matrix LED as a two dimensional input device

Using a laser pointer and a matrix LED as a two-dimensional input device

Laser Command is a game which I build using a 8×8 matrix LED and an Arduino Mini. This game was developed as a “sample” class project in S10-05833 Gadgets, Sensors and Activity Recognition in HCI. The class is taught by Scott Hudson at Carnegie Mellon University, and I’m doing TA for the class. The name […]

Arduino Model Rocket Launcher for 3D Printed Rockets

Arduino Model Rocket Launcher for 3D Printed Rockets

When I was a kid, I loved playing with Estes Rockets, so I decided to get back into the hobby but using all of my maker skizzls. So here’s a really cool Arduino Rocket Launcher launching 3D Printed rockets from my MakerBot Rep2! Enjoy! Fully Open Source for anyone to make! Arduino Code on GitHub […]

Arduino LED Super Mario Piranha Plant

LED Super Mario Piranha Plant using an Arduino

We are going to make an Arduino control LED Piranha Plant :] Step 1: What you’ll need Arduino Uno 9 Resisters 9 LEDs – Red, Yellow, Orange is best since they need less amperage PIR sensor 9v battery arduino wall plug (you’ll be cutting the connection so that you can connect it to the battery. 12v […]

A 3D Vibration Jigsaw Puzzle

THE CUBE: A 3D Vibration Jigsaw Puzzle

“THE CUBE” is a 3D jigsaw puzzle, with the added feature that a puzzle piece vibrates for approximately a second when it is placed in the correct place in the puzzle. We accomplished this by building an electrical design such that a circuit delivering power to a vibration motor was completed each time a puzzle […]

DIY handmade Hexapod with arduino Hexdrake

DIY handmade Hexapod with arduino (Hexdrake)

Hello, I’m David and in this instructable I’ll show how I made this hexapod whose name is Hexdrake. Since I was 16 I became interested in electronic and later in robotics. After getting some level and programming skills using arduino I decided to build a robot something more interesting than a simple robot with two […]

Relay Motor Control Circuit

Arduino Relay Motor Control Circuit

Connect the Arduino outputs with 5 volt power to the relay coils. Use a separate 9 or 12 volt battery for powering the motor.  Connect the 9 or 12 volt power to the relay contacts and the motor.  Be sure to avoid connecting the 9 or 12 volt power to any of the Arduino input […]

NFC Computer Unlocker

NFC Computer Unlocker

Quit pulling your hair out over incorrect passwords. Using an Arduino Leonardo and Adafruit’s NFC shield, you can unlock your computer with an NFC card. The Arduino reads the NFC card’s unique identifier and once it receives the correct one, it uses the Arduino Leonardo’s keyboard emulation feature to type a password. Step 1: Parts […]

Arduino Mini Shields

Arduino Mini-Shields

This is a set of simple, small form-factor, mini-shields that I created almost by accident. As I made more and more of them, I realized that they could be really useful. What started out as a way to use some spare parts, turned into a standardized form factor for a versatile, miniaturized Arduino shield. The […]

Making a program start using a switch

Making a program start using a switch

Connecting the Switch To connect the switch to the Arduino, you will need the switch, two jumper wires, and a 10kΩ (brown-black-orange) resistor. Once you have all the required parts, you will need to wire the switch to the Arduino using the breadboard. NOTE: The virtual board may be slightly different from the physical one. […]

arduino Programmer Combination Shield

ArduinoISP Bootloader/Programmer Combination Shield

I started recently to get interested in building Arduino based robots. Since it is a traumatizing process to take any creation apart, I am opting to keep mine alive and kicking. To lower the cost of this strategy it seems obvious to switch from the arduino development board to selfbuilt arduinos – DIYduinos if you […]

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