Juuke RFID card music player jukebox

Using an Arduino Uno micro-controller together with RFID Cards a unique digital jukebox has been created aptly named Juuke. Watch the demonstration video below to learn more about the easy-to-use system designed specifically children and the elderly to be able to play their favourite music.

The Juuke Box works by using RFID cards to play specific songs from an SD card. You could also play the songs randomly using the green button, or play and pause with the red button.

Instructables member “Ananrods” explains more about the inspiration behind the unique Juuke box.

“This is the Juuke box. The Juuke box is your own musical friend, made to be as easy as possible to use. It is especially designed to be used by elderly and kids, but can of course be used by all other ages. The reason we created this, is because of my girlfriend’s grandmother.

She told me that her and her grandma sitting in the kitchen, listening to music, dancing and laughing. Sadly, through the last years, her grandma has been in and out from hospital. On her worst days, however, music is one of the few things that still makes her smile. And music players like CD players are just too hard to use for her. That’s why we created the Juuke.”

For more information on the build including component list, code and full instructions, jump over to the official project page on the Instructables website by following the link below.

Source: Juuke RFID card music player jukebox

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