Control Ikea Dioder LED Strip with Arduino + 16X PWM LED Fader Board using arduino

We’re going to show how to wire up and control an Ikea DIODER LED strip with an arduino, using a 16X PWM LED Fader board as an intermediary.

The 16X PWM board is basically a bunch of mosfets under PWM control (switches that turn on and off really fast) that can be used to mix different levels of the main three DIODER colors: red, green and blue. The PWM board also has a bunch of fading and sequencing commands built in, so the arduino code is fairly simple.
16X PWM LED Fader Board
The 16X board could also be controlled from a serial port, but adding the arduino provides a lot more capability, like being able to control the lights based on a pot input, or maybe a color sensor to emulate ambient lighting…

Here’s a video showing a quick demo:

Somebody on youtube asked how the LED strip electrical circuit, so here are some details if you’d like to use completely different electronics to control the Dioder, or many other LED strips.

Most of these strips are made to accept 12V, no matter how long the strip is.  The LEDs are arranged into groups of 3, and the strip can be cut between each group.  Electrically, each group is wired in parallel. So whether you have 1 group, or 100, you always supply 12V.  Each additional group requires more current and power.

In this particular LED strip (the DIODER), the red channel consumes .14A, blue .11A and green .13A. So all together, the strip requires a max of .38A at 12V, or about 4.5W.  If you look on the power brick, it says 5W max. The strip is about 33in long, and has 12 groups of LEDs, so each group requires 31mA of current, and .37W of power. If you added another strip on the end, you would need about 9W of power, and .76A of current, but still 12V to drive the whole thing.

This arrangement makes it very easy to fade the LEDs by varying the voltage with PWM switching.  Even if the total length changes, the fading circuitry stays the same as long as it can handle the additional current.

Step 1: Parts List

Ikea Dioder (Color version)
6X PWM LED Fader
Jumper Wires
potentiometer (optional)

Wire Strippers
Small flat head screw driver for screw terminals

16X PWM LED Fader Board

Step 2: Decode DIODER wires

The first step is figuring out which wire is which on the Dioder. By applying 12V to the different pins on the LED strip, we learn that the red, blue and green colors can be turned on as shown in the sketch. The 16X Fader board simply acts as a switch to ground for all three channels.

Cut and strip the 12V side of the power block. The wire with the writing on it is 12V, the other ground.


For more detail: Control Ikea Dioder LED Strip with Arduino + 16X PWM LED Fader Board

About The Author

Ibrar Ayyub

I am an experienced technical writer holding a Master's degree in computer science from BZU Multan, Pakistan University. With a background spanning various industries, particularly in home automation and engineering, I have honed my skills in crafting clear and concise content. Proficient in leveraging infographics and diagrams, I strive to simplify complex concepts for readers. My strength lies in thorough research and presenting information in a structured and logical format.

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