Arduino RF Pro Mini open source development board

Electrical engineer and electronics hobbyist Etienne at Etimou based in Clermont-Ferrand, France has created a new open source development board in the form of the Arduino RF Pro Mini.

The creator of the Arduino RF Pro Mini open source development board Etienne, explains a little more about the inspiration behind the project. “I’ve loved Arduino for years. I love the ARDUINO PRO MINI that gathers all the possibilities of the arduino boards and can run on batteries for years. It is ideal for DIY Home automation projects, especially when you add the wireless capabilities of the nRF24L01+ radio chip. Arduino Pro Mini + nRF24L01+ is a solution of choice for your personal projects and is the preferred configuration in the fantastic MySensors IoT project. “

“I made the observation that, if you want to build a sensor that runs on batteries, you have to buy the arduino and the radio module separately. Then you need to solder some jumper wires or use dupont cables and desolder the LED and the voltage regulator. They draw too much current from your battery and you will run out of battery in a few days. Only after all this you can start playing with your temperature, humidity, PIR or contact sensor and you’re not totally sure the radio works properly. I’ve decided to build a single PCB board that embeds the brain (arduino) and the radio module (nRF24L01+) and is low power capable. That means you don’t have to worry about the radio configuration and directly start with what is important in your project.”

For more details and full specifications jump over to the official Kickstarter crowdfunding campaign page by following the link below, where the Arduino RF Pro Mini is now available to back with early bird pledges from €18 or roughly £16 and worldwide delivery expected to take place during September 2020.

Source: Arduino RF Pro Mini open source development board

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