Arduino Mega-ISP Shield

Use this shield to re-burn the bootloader for any arduino. You can always make one on a breadboard, but having a shield is great. This is great for people who works with lots of arduinos. You can also use it with AVRDUDE.

I will have a parts list coming soon…

(this instructable will be under development until the project is completed. Please advise thet i will not be giving support for this developing product.)

Arduino Mega-ISP Shield

Step 1: V.0.1d (developing)

Here is the current and FIRST model. This model is just a rough sketch. The picture is bellow, tell me what you think and what needs to be improved.

L1,2,3 are LEDs for Heartbeat, Activity and Error
Arduino > ATMEGA328P/168

GND > 8-22
13 > 19 { PB5 SCK/PCINT5 }
12 > 18 { PB4 MISO/PCINT4 }
11 > 17 { PB3 MOSI/OC2A/PCINT3 }
10 > 01 { PCINT14/RESET }
09 > L1 { E$7 + }
08 > L2 { E$8 + }
07 > L3 { E$9 + }

Go to the downloads page to get the board file for eagle. Etch it on your own and tell me if it works. I will post a tutorial on etching PCBs.

Step 2: Downloads

Here are the Eagle files…..
Schematics and PNG images are included in the ZIP files…..

d = developing
f = finalizing
RC = Possible Release Candidate
R = Rejected/Moving on to next model

Notes: Schematic not included in this release…

v.0.2 coming soon….

Arduino Mega-ISP Shield circuit

Step 3: Sketch for Mega-ISP

// this sketch turns the Arduino into a AVRISP
// using the following pins:
// 10: slave reset
// 11: MOSI
// 12: MISO
// 13: SCK

// Put an LED (with resistor) on the following pins:
// 9: Heartbeat – shows the programmer is running
// 8: Error – Lights up if something goes wrong (use red if that makes sense)
// 7: Programming – In communication with the slave
// October 2009 by David A. Mellis
// – Added support for the read signature command
// February 2009 by Randall Bohn
// – Added support for writing to EEPROM (what took so long?)
// Windows users should consider WinAVR’s avrdude instead of the
// avrdude included with Arduino software.
// January 2008 by Randall Bohn
// – Thanks to Amplificar for helping me with the STK500 protocol
// – The AVRISP/STK500 (mk I) protocol is used in the arduino bootloader
// – The SPI functions herein were developed for the AVR910_ARD programmer
// – More information at

Major Components in Project


For more detail: Arduino Mega-ISP Shield

About The Author

Ibrar Ayyub

I am an experienced technical writer holding a Master's degree in computer science from BZU Multan, Pakistan University. With a background spanning various industries, particularly in home automation and engineering, I have honed my skills in crafting clear and concise content. Proficient in leveraging infographics and diagrams, I strive to simplify complex concepts for readers. My strength lies in thorough research and presenting information in a structured and logical format.

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