Arduino Cloud now lets you update your ESP32 boards

Arduino developers and electronic enthusiasts may be interested to know that the official Arduino team has announced a new update to its Arduino Cloud that now allows you to update your ESP32 boards over-the-air (OTA). The new feature allows you to upload programs wirelessly to your boards, simply connect your board to a wireless network and configure your project to work with OTA updates after which you will no longer need to physically connect to the board to your computer in order to upload new sketches allowing you to connect, update and tweet your projects wirelessly.

If you interested in trying it out the over-the-air update is available through both the Arduino IoT Cloud and the Arduino Web Editor for the sketches bound to your IoT Cloud things.

Arduino Cloud over-the-air (OTA) update

“The Arduino Cloud is Arduino’s integrated platform to develop, deploy, monitor and control IoT devices with minimal effort. It enables makers, IoT enthusiasts and professionals to build easily connected projects based on a wide range of hardware including not only Arduino boards, but also ESP32 and ESP8266 boards. Arduino is committed to making all the Arduino Cloud features available to all the supported hardware and as a result of this effort, ESP32 family of chipsets now support over-the-air (OTA) updates.”

“Due to their low price, integration and high performance, ESP32-based devices are among the most widely used ones for hobbyists and developers who want to create their small home appliances. One of the facts that have contributed to this popularity is the ability to use the Arduino IDE to code and program the devices. You can find tons of resources describing how to get started. There are thousands of projects that will inspire you and help you create and develop your own ideas. You can reuse the code and sketches even if they have been originally developed for other ESP32 or Arduino boards. It is so easy to get started!”

Source: Arduino Cloud now lets you update your ESP32 boards

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