
ARDUINO Burglar Alarm Using Infrared Emitter Detector pair

ARDUINO Burglar Alarm Using Infrared Emitter-Detector pair

In this tutorial i will show you , how to make a simple Inexpensive Intrusion Detection(Burglar alarm) using an Arduino Uno board . This project uses the Infrared Emitter-Detector pair to detect intrusion and triggers an alarm as soon as the object crosses the infrared field . ** To see a Similar Project Made with […]

Arduino for Photographers Building a Universal Intervalometer

Arduino for Photographers: Building a Universal Intervalometer

Practicing the art of time-lapse photography without an intervalometer is doable, but not particularly efficient. And while any decent photo equipment store will be happy to sell you one, you can go the DIY way and build your own intervalometer based on the excellent Arduino platform. Theoretically, building an Arduino-based intervalometer is as easy as connecting an infrared […]

Connecting the ADXL337 to the Arduino

Connecting the ADXL337 to the Arduino

Today I’ll write about the ADXL337 accelerometer. The ADXL337 measures the acceleration of the x, y and z axis. This means it measures the force acting on any of the axes at a specific moment in time. Because it’s an analog device the measurement intervals are as short as the Arduino can read the current voltage on any […]

Arduino mma7361

Arduino Accelerometer mma7361

Hey guys, I am a teaching assistant for an introduction to engineering class for biomedical engineering majors at Vanderbilt University this semester. I created this video to explain analog-to-digital conversion to them because time ran out during class and I did not get to this point in the lecture. I ran across the Teach It! […]

Arduino Automatic Watering System.

Arduino Automatic Watering System

INTRODUCTION & OBJECTIVES: I is a simple system, using Arduino to automate the irrigation and watering of small potted plants or crops. This system does the control of soil moisture, doing indications via LEDs and in case of dry soil emitting a alarm beep. In case of dry soil it will activate the irrigation system […]

Graphics LCD

Arduino Compatible apc220 Wireless rf Module with Graphics LCD

16 node mesh, up to 1000m between nodes, sample two analog voltages per node, link any node to any other node, display data on any node with either graphics or text display, turn on relays based on data at any node, fault tolerant with data going via multiple paths. Arduino Compatible apc220 Wireless rf Module […]

Arduino DS1307 Clock

Arduino DS1307 Clock

1) Introduction and Images Hello friends, today I am going to build a Digital Clock using Arduino UNO and famous DS1307 Real Time Clock IC. Before we begin, here are some images of the completed project. You can find the YouTube video at the bottom of the page 2) DS1307 RTC IC DS1307 is a […]

Arduino Code

MCP41100 an Arduino Controlled Potentiometer

  We know the analog potentiometer , is a three-terminal resistor with a sliding contact that forms an adjustable voltage divider . MCP41100 an Arduino Controlled Potentiometer: 1)volume controls on audio equipment. 2) Control the amplifier Gain and offset . 3) Transducer ” displacement  transducers “. and many Other application , But did you you want […]

Stepper Motor control with Arduino

Arduino Bipolar Stepper Motor

It is a well known fact that Stepper motors are awesome! The only downside is that they can be a bit trickier to get going than servos and plain old DC motors. If you are interested in the inner mechanics and theory of stepper motors, check this excellent post on PCB heaven. If you happen to have one […]

Typical Arduino Pro Mini Board

How To Generate Square Wave Using Arduino

Any AVR microcontroller based board which follows the standard Arduino schematic and is flashed with the Arduino bootloader can be called an Arduino board. The Arduino is refered to as open source hardware and the Arduino IDE is also open source and anybody can contribute their libraries to the Arduino. All arduino boards should be […]

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