Build your own smart BBQ using Arduino home automation

If you would like to build your very own smart BBQ you might be interested in a new article published to the official Arduino website this week, providing resources and inspiration for home automation projects. Examples include a temperature controlled charcoal smoker, an Alexa BBQ/Kitchen thermometer with IoT Arduino and ePaper display. As well as plenty of advice on how to monitor and control cooking.

“Everybody loves a good BBQ. Getting your family and friends together on a long summer day and evening, cooking delicious food and having a great time as smoke drifts through the air — it’s the perfect weekend activity.”

Arduino home automation
“BBQs can also be stressful, however. Anyone who has ever tried to host one will know the challenges of managing multiple meats at once, trying to avoid any overcooking (or undercooking) disasters, and keeping track of all that equipment.”

“Automation can help run your BBQ much more smoothly, minimizing any mishaps and making sure everyone has the best experience possible. In this article, we’ll look at how home automation can improve the BBQ experience and share some examples from Arduino’s Project Hub.”

For more information on building home automation systems, using the Arduino platform, jump over to the official website by following the link below. Plenty of projects are also available to provide you with valuable inspiration when designing your next smart IoT project, via the Arduino Project Hub.

Source: Build your own smart BBQ using Arduino home automation

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