Arduino Sprinkler System plus Web control

A smart sprinkler system for the rest of us… No soldering involved ! Just pile up a couple of shields on top of an arduino and control your sprinkler system from anywhere.

A couple of friends wanted to replicate the sprinkler system presented in this instructable but were scared by the complexity of it.

Well, it truly isn’t complicated and it does not even require to solder anything if you pick the right parts… Since I long wanted to make the system more compact, I took the opportunity to make this solder-free arduino instructable. The system is very similar to (exactly the same as?) the previous instructable and just as open (supports scheduling, twitter etc…).

Connecting this arduino to your sprinkler system will allow you to remotely turn your garden watering on and off from any web-enabled device. From there you can make it as fancy or as simple as you wish.

Enjoy !

Arduino Sprinkler System


Step 2: Put it together

To put everything together, just follow the pictures, it should be fairly self-explanatory…

The push button is optionnal, it allows you to cycle manually through the sprinklers. Otherwise your only mean of control is the web interface… which is good too !

Step 3: Arduino sketch

The sketch is very close to the one posted in my original instructable (here)

Quick comments:

– The following code turns on the pull-up resistor of the analog input. A good thing to know.

pinMode(analogInPin, INPUT);
digitalWrite(analogInPin, HIGH); // turn on pull-up resistor

– I added a check on the size of the buffer that holds the page, so you have an indication that bad things happened if the buffer was too small.

– The manual button cycles through the valves (and uses A0,A1,A2 for convenience reasons).

Major Components in Project

Step 1: Collect parts

For this instructable you will need:
– 1 x arduino board
– 1 x ethernet shield (e.g. Ethernet Shield V1.0 for Arduino from )
– 1 x relay shield (
– 1 x 10vDC adaptor (a recycled phone charger)
– 1 x momentary push button

You will not need:
– a soldering iron.

For more detail: Arduino Sprinkler System plus Web control

About The Author

Ibrar Ayyub

I am an experienced technical writer holding a Master's degree in computer science from BZU Multan, Pakistan University. With a background spanning various industries, particularly in home automation and engineering, I have honed my skills in crafting clear and concise content. Proficient in leveraging infographics and diagrams, I strive to simplify complex concepts for readers. My strength lies in thorough research and presenting information in a structured and logical format.

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