OpenSource Arduino OLED Clock with temperature measurement

Today I am going to show you how to make An OpenSource Arduino UNO OLED Clock That Also Measures Temperature. This project is an OpenSource and it’s open to everyone. It doesn’t require any special engineer skills, and will take you less than couple of hours once you have all the parts you need.

This clock will not only show you exact time and date but also it will show you the ambient temperature in both Fahrenheit and Celsius, with accuracy of 0.5°C (-25°C to +85°C) and with resolution of 0.0625°C. The pages are changing on every 10 seconds, but you can change that.

The OLED we will use in this project is 1.3″ inch in size,monochrome blue in color, features 132×64 pixels and uses the SPI Bus. .

The temperature sensor we will use is TMP102, it’s very small on size, low on power and uses the I2C Bus to communicate with our Arduino.

And the DS1307 real time clock module uses the I2C bus so we will only need 2 pins to retrieve the date and time and display the results on the OLED display.

We will use the u8glib library to communicate with our display. This library has many available parameters with it you can display numbers, letters, bitmaps and other symbols on OLEDs and graphic LCDs also it works for E-ink displays as well as other libraries.

Let’s get started ! 🙂

Step 1: Materials & Tools

Most of the stuff for this project came from the Adafruit store the rest from SparkFun. (I already had them 🙂 )

To make it we will need:

  1. Arduino UNO board or similar;
  2. OLED display – (1.3inch; 128×64) or similar;
  3. DS1307 – RTC module;
  4. TMP102 – digital temp sensor;
  5. Prototyping PCB;
  6. Headers – female and male;
  7. Some wires – to connect everything;
  8. Soldering iron and wire – to solder everything on the PCB;
  9. Clips – to cut wire;
  10. Cutting tools (Scissors, cutter, etc.);
  11. Material for the enclosure (Plastic, cardboard, metal, etc.);
  12. Super glue.

Read more: OpenSource Arduino OLED Clock with temperature measurement

About The Author

Ibrar Ayyub

I am an experienced technical writer holding a Master's degree in computer science from BZU Multan, Pakistan University. With a background spanning various industries, particularly in home automation and engineering, I have honed my skills in crafting clear and concise content. Proficient in leveraging infographics and diagrams, I strive to simplify complex concepts for readers. My strength lies in thorough research and presenting information in a structured and logical format.

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