
Smart Stick for the Visually Impaired

Arduino Smart Stick for the Visually Impaired

Arduino technology shines in the Smart Stick for the Visually Impaired because it builds accessibility features to empower visually impaired users. The assistive device utilizes ultrasonic sensors with buzzer components that integrate with Arduino for an innovative functional application. What is the Smart Stick? A handheld device known as the Smart Stick detects obstacles in

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Ultrasonic Sensory Device for the Visually Impaired

Ultrasonic Sensory Device for the Visually Impaired Using Arduino

Through technological means individuals with disabilities gain empowerment and the Ultrasonic Sensory Device for the Visually Impaired stands as an excellent representation of this phenomenon. Its affordable design enables this simple device to detect ultrasonic signals for reliable assistance to people with vision impairment while they move around. What does the Ultrasonic Sensory Device accomplish?

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Arduino Based Robotic Arm Controlled by Hand Gestures

Arduino-Based Robotic Arm Controlled by Hand Gestures

Introduction Greetings to all, hoping everyone is in good health. We’re thrilled to present our newest article about Arduino projects. This article discusses the development of a robot arm that is operated through hand movements with the help of Arduino UNO. To identify hand motions, we will use four IR sensors placed in four separate

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Cat Whisker Sensory Extension Wearable 2.0

Cat Whisker Sensory Extension Wearable (2.0)

This project is a continuation and reimagining of my former colleague’s (metaterra) “Whisker Sensory Extension Wearable”. The purpose of this project was to focus on the creation of novel, computationally-enriched “sensory extensions” that allow for augmented-sensing of the natural world. My major effort with this project was devoted to the fabrication and implementation of sensory

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Measuring PPM from MQ Gas Sensors using Arduino MQ 137 Ammonia

Measuring PPM from MQ Gas Sensors using Arduino (MQ-137 Ammonia)

Since the industrial age, we humans have been progressing quickly. As we make advancements, we simultaneously harm our environment, leading to its eventual degradation. Currently, the issue of global warming is a concerning danger and even the quality of the air we breathe is becoming a serious concern. Monitoring air quality is becoming increasingly important.

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