


This weekend marked the 49th anniversary of the legendary Intel 4004 microprocessor, and to celebrate [Erturk Kocalar] combined the old and new in this intriguing Retroshield 4004 / Busicom 141-PF calculator project. We have reported on his Arduino shield project before, which lets you connect a variety of old microprocessors to an Arduino so you can experiment with these […]


Arduino 101

Arduino 101

To get started with Arduino, you’ll need some basics. In this tutorial, we’ll go beyond a little blinky light and teach you about: Variables Input and Output pins Sensors and reading data Mapping results Functions In another tutorial, I’ll cover classes and why we might use them. But, we might still make a little light

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Diodes – Types and Applications

Diodes Incorporated’s APX803S-31SA-7 helping you with Voltage Trips

Vdd brownouts are among the most common antipodes of microcontroller design – they are especially annoying, as their presence is not easy to detect. Diodes Incorporated provides a new family of easy-to-use supply voltage monitor ICs. From a principal point of view, the parts are not difficult to understand. Simply connect them to VCC and

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Arduino Analog Thermometer With DS18b20 Module

Arduino Analog Thermometer With DS18b20 Module

Introduction Sometimes, it is necessary to add a temperature indicator into your projects. Therefore, in this tutorial you will learn how to hack your analog Voltmeter and convert into an analog Thermometer using Arduino and a DS18B20 temperature sensor. DS18B20 Module In the first place, the Maxim DS18B20 digital thermometer provides 9-bit to 12-bit Celsius

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Reverse engineering the ALU of 8008 microprocessor

Reverse-engineering the ALU of 8008 microprocessor

A computer’s arithmetic-logic unit (ALU) is the heart of the processor, performing arithmetic and logic operations on data. If you’ve studied digital logic, you’ve probably learned how to combine simple binary adder circuits to build an ALU. However, the 8008’s ALU uses clever logic circuits that can perform multiple operations efficiently. And unlike most 1970’s

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Inside the 74181 ALU chip die photos and reverse engineering

Inside the 74181 ALU chip: die photos and reverse engineering

What’s inside a TTL chip? To find out, I opened up a 74181 ALU chip, took high-resolution die photos, and reverse-engineered the chip.1 Inside I found several types of gates, implemented with interesting circuitry and unusual transistors. The 74181 was a popular chip in the 1970s used to perform calculations in the arithmetic-logic unit (ALU)

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