NXP Semiconductors has introduced a mosfet in a SO8 package with a low RDSon of just 1.4mohm at 4.5V.
The Power-SO8 package is qualified to 175 deg C
According to the supplier, the device is the first in the NextPower LFPAK series of 25V and 30V mosfets which will be expanded to a full portfolio in the coming months.
“The low RDSon significantly reduces losses; this in turn enables increased energy efficiency of new generations of electronic products with better energy ratings and smaller dimensions,” said Charles Limonard, marketing manager, Power mosfets, NXP Semiconductors.
N-channel 30 V 1.15 m? logic level mosfet in LFPAK – PSMN1R0-30YLC
Logic level enhancement mode N-channel MOSFET in LFPAK package. This product is designed and qualified for use in a wide range of industrial, communications and domestic equipment.
fo more details: SO-8 mosfet, NXP cuts on-resistance to make 1.4mohm