Smartphone Controlled Bubble Blower Using Arduino

Whether you’re already a kid or not; you are going to become one as soon you see bubbles floating around you! You’ll be lying if you say that you don’t pop one on seeing one! Alas, everything isn’t the same for the one who’s blowing the bubbles. But things are going to change now, with the DIY Dabble-controlled Bubble Machine! This ain’t no regular bubbling blowing machine. You can wirelessly control it using Dabble, our ingeniously-developed project-making mobile app. You can download Dabble from here. With a foam sheet, servo, DC motor, blower, soap solution, your buddy evive, and some enthusiasm you have everything you need to make bubble blowing (and popping) more amusing and full of DIY!

Bubble popping beginning in 3, 2, 1… Go!

Step 1: Things Needed

Foam Sheet
Servo Motor
DC Motor
Jumper Cables

Arduino IDE

Step 2: Making of the Platform

We will start making the base or the platform of the machine first.

Take the Foam sheet and mark two holes into the platform.

Cut according to the markings given.

Step 3: Motor Holders

We will be making strips in such a way that will hold the motors.

We need the motors to be at some height so that the fan can rotate also we can dip the bubble blower.

Take the foam sheets and mark holes of the size of servo and Dc Motors.

Take the cutouts.

Fix the Servo Motor and the DC Motor into the holes using Hot Glue.

Step 4: Completing the Assembly

Take the strips and fix it in the holes we made on the platform.

Now onto the free DC Motor shaft, fix the fan. You can 3D print it, buy it or make it.

Take the bubble blower and glue the servo horn on top of it.

Finally, attach the servo horn to the free servo head.

The distance between the two strips should be such so that the bubble blower reaches the fan.

On the platform, keep the soap water mixture.

Source: Smartphone Controlled Bubble Blower Using Arduino

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