RFIDuino – Using an Arduino & RFID Reader to make a puzzle GeoCache

I enjoy both Geocaching and electronics and have made a couple of electronic puzzle caches using an Arduino.
My latest creation (with the help of a fellow cacher for the code) is using an Arduino and RFID reader to make a puzzle geocache we call RFIDuino.

The GeoCacher takes RFIDuino and has to find 3 RFID tags in order to get the location of the final geocache.
They are given the coordinates of the first tag, when they find and scan it they are given the coordinates of the second tag – and so on until they find the final.  After they find the final cache and sign the logbook RFIDuino is returned to the original hiding place for the next person.

Arduino & RFID Reader
Even if you don’t geocache you could make your own RFID reader similar to the one in this Instructable and use it for a treasure hunt game.  It could be adapted to have a locked lid operated by a servo similar to the “reverse geocache box”.


[box color=”#985D00″ bg=”#FFF8CB” font=”verdana” fontsize=”14 ” radius=”20 ” border=”#985D12″ float=”right” head=”Major Components in Project” headbg=”#FFEB70″ headcolor=”#985D00″]

Step 1: Parts List

You will need the following:

– Arduino of some kind.  I have been building my own on stripboard, but recently bought some “Evil Mad  Scientist” ATmegaxx8 Target Boards to use in future projects.  If you build your own you should add a “protection diode” on the + side of the input voltage.  An IN4001 or similar will work.
Parallax RFID Reader Module
– HD44780 compatible LCD display.  I find a black on yellow works best in daylight vs a blue on white. I get mine from DipMicro
– Small 10K trim-pot for the display contrast.
5v Boost Regulator For this project I wanted 2x AA to power the device as most geocachers carry them.  However with the code I use they drain in about 1 1/2 hours, so a 4x AA may be a better option
– hook up wire.  I use wire from cat5 stranded patch cable.
– case of some sort.  I used a clear blue case found at most electronics stores.


For more detail: RFIDuino – Using an Arduino & RFID Reader to make a puzzle GeoCache

About The Author

Ibrar Ayyub

I am an experienced technical writer holding a Master's degree in computer science from BZU Multan, Pakistan University. With a background spanning various industries, particularly in home automation and engineering, I have honed my skills in crafting clear and concise content. Proficient in leveraging infographics and diagrams, I strive to simplify complex concepts for readers. My strength lies in thorough research and presenting information in a structured and logical format.

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