Metering – Instrument Projects

Arduino Digital Thermometer

Arduino Based Digital Thermometer

Thermometers are useful apparatus being used since long time for temperature measurement. In this project we have made an Arduino based digital thermometer to display the current ambient temperature and temperature changes on a LCD unit in real time . It can be deployed in houses, offices, industries etc. to measure the temperature. This project is based on Arduino […]

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Weather Monitor

Weather Monitor

This Instructable shows you how to build a micro-controller based weather monitoring device. Built on the Arduino Uno board it can easily be extended and modified should you have additional sensors at hand. Main requirements: – Measure temperature (accuracy +/- 0,5 degree Kelvin) – Measure barometric air pressure (+/- 0,1 Pascal) – Display measured values

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Accelerometer powered LED dress

Accelerometer powered LED dress

Let’s be honest for a moment, doesn’t everyone want a dress that lights up at your very whim? No? Alright, well I do. It’s pretty straightforward, though the programming gets a wee bit tricky. So pick up your pencil, sketch out a design and then we’ll talk parts.Here Step 1: Material [box color=”#985D00″ bg=”#FFF8CB” font=”verdana” fontsize=”14

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