
Tyco RC Arduino Robot

Tyco RC Arduino Robot

Wanted to make your own robot but couldn’t afford the fancy H-Bridge IC’s or etch your own PCB? Want a quick and dirty method of making your own wheeled robot? Then you’re in luck, but if you want to make your own wheeled robot AND have a quick and dirty wireless controller for anything then […]

Arduino WordClock

My Arduino WordClock

The initial project, and certainly the one to which many were inspired is that of Doug Jackson. also inspired by Step 1: The Materials The list of materials for the board depends on how you plan to make the electronics, if you want an Arduino standalone or an Arduino UNO or 2009, […]

Arduino Chicken Light Timer Schematic 1

Chicken Light Timer using an Arduino

The wife is into raising chickens and now that the daylight savings is getting near she wanted a way to keep the egg laying production in high gear.  According to the material that she reads, chickens will maintain their egg laying production if they get 12 – 15 hours of daylight. I thought to myself, […]

Arduino Ultrasonic Range Finder

Ultrasonic Range Finder with an ATtiny85 using an Arduino

I’m here to show you how to use a HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Range Finder with an ATtiny85 as well as programming the ATtiny85 using the wonderful shield that randofo created. List of materials: ATtiny85 Programming Library Arduino Uno HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Range Finder and Library Jumper Wires Breadboard ATtiny85 Step 1: Program the Arduino Before you connect your shield to the Arduino […]

Arduino Auto Leveling Laser Cross

Auto Leveling Laser Cross using Arduino

So this Lazy Old Geek purchased a Laser Cross. I created a manual leveling Laser Cross to use for aligning stuff on my drill press: Well, being a Geek I decided to make an automated platform that adjusts automatically with an Arduino. Well, the picture may look a little scary but I’ll break it […]

servo solar tracker

Arduino 2-axis servo solar tracker

What is a solar tracker? A solar tracker can increase the efficiency of a solar panel by up to 100%! It does this by always keeping the panel perpendicular to the incoming rays of sunlight. here’s an equation to prove this: P = AW sin θ P = power generated by the solar panel A […]

Arduino Number Generator

Arduino True Random Number Generator

This is just a fun project I have been working on in the last little while. If you like this instructable, consider voting for it in the Arduino Challenge! Anyone who has experience with programming will have probably used random numbers in their code. These random numbers aren’t actually random though. They are actually generated using […]

Arduino Bubble Alarm Clock

Bubble Alarm Clock Makes Waking Up Fun using Arduino

Waking up to a buzzing alarm clock sucks. I’m one of those people who doesn’t like to wake up before the sun is out (or has been out for many hours). So what better way to make waking up fun than having a bubble party in bed! Using an arduino and a commonly available bubble […]

Arduino Robot Uno

Uno The Arduino Robot

Age: 13 Meet Uno the Arduino powered robot.  Some functions include a blinking nose, moving antennas, rotating head, IR distance sensor, twin motor gear box and rotation counters.  Uno is made with relatively easy to obtain parts.  This project provides a good introduction to Arduino. robot.skp475 KB Step 1: Materials Material and tools • Foam board • Fimo • 4 Rare Earth magnets • 4 small metal […]

Arduino Timer

Arduino Based Auto Timer

The Need: Last week around at work I had another usual un-usual  problem to face with.  Having to make lots of mechanisms n components to work with-in seconds or fracs at times I kind-of knew this was always coming.   And invariably so my poor mind couldn’t think of anything but Arduino for a handy […]

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