This instructable will hopefully finish with you having a working dmd, that will display an eye that opens if something in a room moves (above in the pictures are some gifs of it in action). This instructable will also be updated with bluetooth and android support in the near future (when I get it working).
Anyway, Let’s Go!
Update (05/02/14):
– added optional shield
Step 1: Materials
Things you will need:
– An Arduino or similar
– A Freetronics Dot Matrix Display
– Arduino link cable for dmd
– An alarm sensor
– Mini breadboard and jumper cables
– A 10k resistor
– Power supply for the alarm sensor
– Usb cable for arduino
– Arduino Prototype shield
– Stackable headers
– Wire
– Tactile push buttons
– Terminal Blocks
Coming Soon Eventually:
– Arduino compatible bluetooth module
– bluetooth dongle for PC
– An android phone
Step 2: The Freetronics DMD
The dot matrix display I have used for this project can be found here
It features a 32×16 LED display, giving you a total of 512 high brightness LEDs to play with.
Two extra libraries are needed for the Arduino IDE, and these can be found here and here
You can check that your dmd is functioning properly by running the dmd_demo sketch found in the DMD library you will have just downloaded. Once uploaded to your arduino, connect it and the dmd with the link cable as depicted by the pictures.
Congratulations, your dmd is working correctly
For more detail: Motion Sensing Eye using arduino