Make Your Own 1D Pong Game

For this project I will show you how I combined an MDF board with buzzer buttons, LEDs and an Arduino Nano in order to create a 1D Pong Game that is really fun to play. Along the way I will show you how to create the electronics circuit and how difficult it actually is to program such a 1D Pong Game from scratch. Let’s get started!

Step 1: Watch the Video!

The video gives you all the general information to create your own 1D Pong Game. During the next steps though I will present you some additional information.

Step 2: Order the Components!

Here is a parts list with example seller (affiliate links):


1x Arduino Nano:

2x Wago Terminal:

1x 5m WS2812B LED Strip:

2x Buzzer Button:

1x 5V 3A Power Supply:

1x DC Jack:

1x Arduino Nano:…

2x Wago Terminal:…

1x 5m WS2812B LED Strip:…

2x Buzzer Button:…

1x 5V 3A Power Supply:…

1x DC Jack:…

1x Arduino Nano:

2x Wago Terminal:

1x 5m WS2812B LED Strip:

2x Buzzer Button:

1x 5V 3A Power Supply:

1x DC Jack:

Step 3: Create the Game Board and the Circuit

Here you can find the plans and the schematic for the 1D Pong Game. Feel free to use them for your own game.

Step 4: Upload the Code!

Here you can download the code for the 1D Pong Game. But before uploading it to the Arduino you should also download/include the FastLED library (

Step 5: Success!

You did it! You just created your own 1D Pong Game!

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Source: Make Your Own 1D Pong Game

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