Hot Yet? This faucet water monitor will prevent plunging your hands into cold water

Hot Yet?

Attiny85 Faucet Water Temperature Sensor


Real life testing in the kitchen sink! Note the tri-color LED. Blue is cold and fades into Green which then flips to increasing Red at 85F.

 Hot Yet This faucet water monitor will prevent plunging your hands into cold water


This project is an Attiny85 Arduino circuit and uses the Coding Badly attiny core available here:

For the AVR programmer, I used the Adafruit ZIF shield and Adafruit flavor of the ISP software. running on Uno. I am not using a bootloader for the tiny85 and I am not modifying any fuses other than what is specified in the Coding Badly boards.txt file:
ATtiny85 @ 8 MHz  (internal oscillator; BOD disabled)

  • low_fuses=0xE2
  • high_fuses=0xD7
  • extended_fuses=0xFF

I consider this an advanced project and not suitable for newbies. There is ample support on the Internet for questions relating to programming Attiny85 with the Arduino environment.  I am using version 1.0.5 and I recommend you do the same.>Please do not leave comments for personal support – I am unable to assist you in this manner.  The circuit has been built twice, it works and the parts are detailed and the exact ones I used. Make changes only if you know what you are doing.  The code makes use of concepts from various authors and where possible, references are provided; if you have questions you need to do your own research.

Thank you and have fun.

Arduino source (schematic)

arduino_source.Schematic Hot Yet This faucet water monitor will prevent plunging your hands into cold water


Save water,
Save energy,
Save money …     $weet!

How many times have you turned on the faucet and walked away while the water warmed? Or, turned on the water and cursed because you burned your hands or the water was ice-cold?

For more detail: Hot Yet? This faucet water monitor will prevent plunging your hands into cold water

About The Author

Ibrar Ayyub

I am an experienced technical writer holding a Master's degree in computer science from BZU Multan, Pakistan University. With a background spanning various industries, particularly in home automation and engineering, I have honed my skills in crafting clear and concise content. Proficient in leveraging infographics and diagrams, I strive to simplify complex concepts for readers. My strength lies in thorough research and presenting information in a structured and logical format.

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