High Speed Outdoor Photography

High speed photography is generally carried out in a dark room with dedicated equipment (controlled remote flash for example)…
The instructable proposed here enables to make high speed photography outside (and enjoy the sun!), in less than 2 hours with some generic DIY basic tools.
High Speed Outdoor Photography
The principle is the following :

  1. A marble is dropped in a repeatable way.
  2. During its fall, it gets in front of a distance sensor that sends a signal to an Arduino card.
  3. After a tuned delay, Arduino triggers a servomotor rotation that pushes the camera button (as we would do with a finger).

By ensuring the same dropping conditions from one photo to another, we can tune the delay to capture the best moment.

Step 1: Equipment

Major Components in Project

For this experiment, we need

  • A bowl of water, milk or other liquid to drop things into it;
  • A marble
  • An distance sensor (the one used here)
  • An Arduino card and an alimentation system (the one used here)
  • A servomotor (the one used here)
  • A camera!
  • Option (useful stuff): helping hand, crocodile clips, wires, tape, etc. 

Step 2: Make a repeatable drop system

ufficiently stable

The idea is to have a gutter-like path from which the marble is dropped always in the same way (for example, from the same point with null velocity).
In order to reach a sufficient height from which to drop the marble, I piled up stuff and mounted the path on it. Be sure it is sufficiently stable to remain static from one drop to another.

Step 3: Make the falling marble detection system

Just under the path, the marble should be detected to trigger the camera adequately. The detection sensor should be mounted accordingly with its range to detect the marble. I used crocodile clips to fasten mine.

Step 4: Dispose and set the camera

The camera should be disposed so that the splash is perceived. To avoid blur, use the highest shutter speed allowed by the camera (a sunny afternoon is far better than the night to have a correct exposure) and a manual focusing (else the autofocus may lead to unexpected delay and may focus on bad areas). For information on camera settings, click here.
Focus manually on the bowl.


For more detail: High Speed Outdoor Photography

About The Author

Ibrar Ayyub

I am an experienced technical writer holding a Master's degree in computer science from BZU Multan, Pakistan University. With a background spanning various industries, particularly in home automation and engineering, I have honed my skills in crafting clear and concise content. Proficient in leveraging infographics and diagrams, I strive to simplify complex concepts for readers. My strength lies in thorough research and presenting information in a structured and logical format.

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