Some time ago I came across a new chip from TI, the HDC1000. It’s a temperature and humidity sensor with I2C interface and requires little to no additional components. It comes in an 8BGA package: we can all agree it’s pretty small.
Some of the peculiar characteristics of this chip are that it has a DRDYn pin which goes low any time there is a new reading from the chip (so you can precisely time your requests) and that the sensor is located on the bottom of the IC, so that it’s not exposed to dust and other agents that may false the readings. Also, it has an integrated heater that can remove humidity from the sensor.
So I developed a very small breakout board for this chip as well as an Arduino library (yay, my first one! raspberryPi and nodemcu might come next).
The breakout boards.
I learned quite a lot about PCB design and soldering, effectively putting my new hot air station to good use.
The boards were again fulfilled by DirtyPCBs, perfect for this kind of small projects.
So here are the pictures of my board…
..and here are the features:
- Address selection jumpers: ADR0 and ADR1 are tied to GND by default but you can jump them to VCC in order to change the address of your sensor (default:0x40).
- I2C pull-ups to VCC for SDA, SCL and DRDYn. If you don’t want to use the latter, just don’t solder the resistor and leave it floating.
- 3-5V input, logic 5V tolerant (3.3V recommended).
For More Details: HDC1000 temperature and humidity sensor breakout, with Arduino library!