I was reminded of this for a project i wanted to do for a class (instructable coming soon ;-)), and i also found a “Star Wars force trainer” on amazon for 30 bucks.
Here is the simple step by step instructions on how to turn a force trainer into a working EEG you can see with your computer.
special thanks to frontier nerds for the initial code and the hack of a similar toy.
Step 1: What you’ll need
– Star Wars Force Trainer toy
– A computer running processing and the arduino development enviroment
– solid core wire
– basic soldering supplies
Step 2: Modding the Force Trainer
You’ll be looking for two spots, the ground and a pin labeled “t”. make sure the solder doesn’t get on any other pins and solder two wires, one from the ground and one from the t pin.
Once that is done, drill a small hold in the force trainer case and feed the wires through.
Step 3: Programming the arduino
Here is the code: Arduino Brain Library
Install that library and load the serial out example, verify you are getting data from the serial monitor.
Now you are ready to combine the arduino and the force trainer.
Step 4: Hooking up to the arduino
I used some zip ties to keep the arduino attached to the top of the force trainer.