If you would prefer to build your very own DIY heart rate monitor, rather than purchase an expensive smartwatch or fitness tracker. You may be interested in a project published to the Hackster.io website earlier this year providing instructions on how to create a simple wearable heart rate monitor using an Arduino Nano R3.
The tiny Arduino development board has been combined with a generic nRF24 Module together with a Adafruit NeoPixel Ring, to provide visual feedback on your heart rate. Dmitry Dziuba the creator and publisher of the DIY heart rate monitor project explains a little more about its construction, design and inspiration.
“This is a second iteration of my heart monitoring project, previous one was showing heart beats on a chest, and was connected to uECG via wire. That looks cool, but isn’t practical at all – you can’t see well how many LEDs exactly are currently on, it’s out of your normal view field, and wire connecting it to uECG device creates a lot of problems for the sensor itself, so it basically doesn’t work when you run. This version solves all these problems: it is wrist-worn, so you can see it while keeping eyes on the road, and it’s wireless, so no distortion of readings, it really works for running and allows you to keep track on heart load.”
For more details and full instructions on how to create your very own wearable Arduino heart rate monitor jump over to the Hackster.io website via the link below.
Source: Arduino wearable heart rate monitor